You can order, at no charge, CMEP’s “Jerusalem, City of Peace” education and resource packet prepared for use by congregations. Be sure to include your mailing address. You can order, at no charge by emailing, CMEP’s “Jerusalem, City of Peace” education and resource packet prepared for use by congregations. Be sure to include your mailing address. This packet contains worship and educational materials that we hope will be useful in your congregation in encouraging discussion, prayer, and advocacy on the question of the future status of Jerusalem. The debate about Jerusalem, among Jews, Christians and Muslims in our communities, as well as between political leaders and negotiators, is often highly charged. This packet is intended to help church members better understand Jerusalem in the context of the current negotiations and to help bridge the gulf between religion and politics so that the controversies surrounding Jerusalem can be addressed openly and productively. The “Jerusalem, City of Peace” packet is designed for use in both Catholic and Protestant congregations. We encourage you to freely reproduce and distribute the packet’s contents. All of the materials were printed on white paper to make the photocopying easier. The packet will soon be available on CMEP’s Web site: CMEP’s Web site includes a Jerusalem Resource Center where you will find the policy statements of many churches and other documents and articles related to Jerusalem. Contents of the “Jerusalem, City of Peace” education and resource packet: A mini-poster “Christians Call for a Shared Jerusalem” – full sized posters are being distributed to many of the churches in the CMEP coalition and ads are being published in numerous church magazines and newspapers. The poster includes information on joining CMEP’s postal and email networks. “Christians Call for a Shared Jerusalem” – this statement signed by U.S. Church leaders was first published on December 21, 1996 in the New York Times. “A Short History of Jerusalem” and quotes from U.S. and Jerusalem Christian leaders and documents. “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem” – an eight page resource for worship, with homily notes, lectionary guidance and hymns. “From the Heart: What Jerusalem Means to Palestinians” – short stories for discussion starters in church classes, articles for church publications and illustrations for encouraging advocacy. “Jerusalem Video Resource Guide” – for children and adult education church or community classes and programs. “U.S. Policy and Issues for Advocacy” – outlines the issues for citizen advocacy toward U.S. officials and political candidates and provides guidance for advocacy and public education. “International Law and Jerusalem” – explains international law and its relationship to Jerusalem’s status “Support for Sharing Jerusalem Grows” – CMEP’s newsletter brings education, analysis and advocacy guidance.