We the undersigned trustees and officers of The Elijah Trust urge “Friends of Israel”  in Westminster to bring pressure to bear upon the Israeli government to cease its military bombardment and invasion of Gaza forthwith. We believe that violence begets violence and the current offensives of the IDF will not bring security for Israel or stability to the region.
News – HCEF

We the undersigned trustees and officers of The Elijah Trust urge “Friends of Israel” in Westminster to bring pressure to bear upon the Israeli government to cease its military bombardment and invasion of Gaza forthwith. We believe that violence begets violence and the current offensives of the IDF will not bring security for Israel or stability to the region.

What does it mean to be a “friend” of Israel? We respectfully suggest that to be a good friend one does not stand by to see that friend pursuing a course of action, which is morally and physically detrimental to the real security and well being of that same friend.

We have watched with mounting concern the bombing of Gaza by the Israeli IDF over recent days and now the invasion by ground troops. We do not condone Hamas attacks upon southern Israel and cannot imagine the terror that this causes the inhabitants of southern towns in the vicinity of the border with Gaza.
However, one does need to look at the underlying causes that have created the climate for Hamas violence to grow.

The Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank since 1967 followed by the systematic encroachment of Israel upon Palestinian land for settlement and by pass roads; check points at which pregnant women and the sick are regularly delayed and in some cases denied access to roads to take them to hospitals in time for lifesaving treatment.; and where young soldiers deliberately humiliate fellow human beings on a daily basis – all these provoke despair, anger and hatred. We do therefore believe that the root of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is the occupation by Israel of the West Bank and Gaza with its collective punishment of a whole people group.

The withdrawal of settlements from Gaza in 2005 in no way ended the Israeli occupation of that strip of land. Israel has continued to control all borders, denying the right of self-determination and even the basic necessities of life such as food, clean water, work ( fishing industry) and medical supplies to the Gazan people. These harsh, unjust realities are bound to fuel anger and hatred of Israel, especially where the majority of the population are youth under 20years old denied education, career opportunities, economic development, freedom of movement, a future and a hope.

Gaza is arguably the most densely populated strip of land in the world and civilian casualties are mounting daily. By bombing police stations, Israel is effectively crippling any forces for law and order in Gaza.

The ramming of the Dignity by Israeli warships in international waters, when she was patently not involved in terrorism, but seeking to bring medical help and supplies to the people of Gaza, does not enhance the moral standing of Israel before the world.

The refusal to dialogue with those democratically elected by the Palestinian people has been counterproductive further fuelling disillusion, despair, hatred and anger.

In closing, we remind “Friends of Israel” of the words of the Jewish prophets, Jeremiah and Micah, many centuries ago

This is what the LORD says:
       "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.     (Jeremiah 9 v 23-24)

 “He (God, the Lord) has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  (Micah 6 v.8)

May the day soon come when the Jewish State of Israel demonstrates before the world the justice, mercy and humility of the God of the Jews.
And may their true friends show them the way.
Yours sincerely,
Gill Dye, Director
Jackie Gillen, PA to Director
Mark Harris, Chair of Board
Afaf Musallam, Trustee
Anne Chapman, Trustee
Emily Tomson, Trustee
Linda Jack, Trustee
Molly Dawson, Trustee
Tim Peach, Trustee
Colin Raeside, Finance