Soon after its inception, HCEF realized the need for establishing strong local support networks in cities where the foundation’s work was becoming widely known. This led to the birth of the Holy Land Christian Support Network (HCSN). HCSN is a coalition of Christian churches and people committed to educating Americans about the crisis facing the Arab Christians suffering in the Holy Land. There are currently fifteen HCSN local committees. They are located in Jerusalem (Israel/Palestine), Amman (Jordan), Rome (Italy), Washington, DC, Baltimore, Houston, Detroit, Atlanta, Sioux Falls, Cincinnati, Orlando, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and San Antonio.

In keeping with the HCSN mission to ensure the safety and future of our Mother Church and its living stones, HCSN supports the work of HCEF. HCSN develops projects in support of Arab Christians so that they may remain in the land where our Savior was born, preached, and crucified and resurrected. Local committees carry out the mission of the Foundation by developing local means of support.

HCSN provides excellent speakers for local symposia and church events, and develops outreach programs in local areas. In this way, the work of the foundation is implemented at a grassroots level, and donations are contributed at the local level. Many of the projects and programs of HCEF involve simple acts of conscience affecting individuals and small groups of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.

With the help and guidance of the foundation’s board of directors, each local committee may organize and direct its energies in the most efficient way. Each committee, while maintaining its own individual character, reflects the philosophy and goals of the national organization. Local fundraising efforts support and compliment national fundraising efforts.

HCSN Committees :

  • Jerusalem, Palestine/Israel
  • Amman, Jordan
  • Rome, Italy
  • Torreon, Mexico
  • Santiago, Chile
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Washington, DC
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Victoria, TX
  • Detroit, MI
  • Sioux Falls, SD
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • New England
  • Chicago, IL
  • San Antonio, TX