Almighty and eternal God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we glorify and praise you. You are our only sure refuge in this troubled world.

Almighty and eternal God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we glorify and praise you.  You are our only sure refuge in this troubled world.

We glorify and praise you, our God.

Merciful God, in the birth of your son Jesus in Bethlehem, you became one of us, sharing and understanding our humanity, our suffering and our fear.

We glorify and praise you, our God.

We thank you that you grew up in Nazareth and ministered to the people of Galilee, proclaiming and demonstrating the good news of God’s Kingdom.

We glorify and praise you, our God.

We thank you that, being crucified in Jerusalem, you identified yourself with every person who lives under oppression and injustice.  On the cross you carried the sins and the suffering of all humanity and reconciled us with you and all the children of God.

We glorify and praise you, our God.

Gracious God, we come before you in humility and in hope, with all the troubles and pains we experience in the Middle East.  We pray that you open the eyes of the world, of Palestinians and Israelis, of Jews, Christians and Muslims, that together we may do justice and seek reconciliation.  Help us to know that the security and freedom of one people depend on the security and freedom of others.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, Jesus, you have called us to be your followers.  Free us from bitterness and hatred and fill us with your reconciling love, compassion and healing.  Banish injustice and pour out your spirit of peace and goodness for all peoples in this troubled land.  You are our strength and our power, with us forever, in your name,


Please pray with and for your sisters
and brothers in Christ in the Holy Land!