altJERUSALEM – Please find below the official hymn visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Holy Land, as well as the official poster designed for the occasion.

The Liturgical Committee, affiliated to the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, approved the official hymn relating to the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Holy Land (24 – 26 May 2014) “in the footsteps of Francis”.  This hymn is the fruit of a tight cooperation between Jerusalem, Amman, Nazareth and Bethlehem.  Composer Luay Zaher and singer Rbab Zeitun composed the text, the music and the musical distribution in Nazareth, whereas Fares Abbassi handled mixing and recording through a unified choir in Amman.

This hymn was prepared not only for the visit of His Holiness to our land, but also for us to be able to tell him every day: “With you, we go forward as witnesses of Christ, we spread the fragrance and the light of the Word in the footsteps of Francis”.  Through our prayer we support our Church, and through our daily actions we bear witness to Christ.

Moreover, the Media Committee of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries  of the Holy Land has approved the poster prepared  specially for this occasion, entitled  “Pope Francis in the Holy Land from 24 to 26 May 2014, so that they may be One’

Liturgical and Media Committees With you we go onward as witnesses to Christ Spreading the light of the Word following Francis

1. With you we go like Mary with the light of the Nativity We keep the covenant that we gained in the water of baptism And the Cross of our Redeemer, his strength, protects us We carry it onward, good news for the enslaved.

2. With you we seek the face of the Redeemer in every human being We plant love that blossoms into joy, we witness to faith And the Church of our Redeemer invigorates us with her sacraments We are nourished by them and we go onward immersed in faith.

3. With you we vest the cloak of mercy among all creatures We become apostles of peace among the nations of the earth The Gospel of our Redeemer, its light guides us We live by it and go onward calling for harmony.

4. With you we raise our prayer from the land of holiness We pray for the East in pain, lost on its way The love of our Redeemer preserves us and enriches us We clothe ourselves in it and go onward on the path of deliverance.

5. With you we sing the resurrection and proclaim life Bearing witness to Peter meeting his brother one again Jesus our Redeemer commands us to unity So we listen and go onward towards, our goal to gratify him.