Since 15 February, 2003, the curfew imposed by the Israeli occupation forces has been lifted, supposedly for good. We give thanks to our Israeli jailers who are allowing us to function a little bit and to go about some of our daily business. At last our children can go to school, we can go to the shops and walk in our streets. Of course, we cannot do more than that; traveling outside the city boundaries is prohibited.
Since 15 February, 2003, the curfew imposed by the Israeli occupation forces has been lifted, supposedly for good. We give thanks to our Israeli jailers who are allowing us to function a little bit and to go about some of our daily business. At last our children can go to school, we can go to the shops and walk in our streets. Of course, we cannot do more than that; traveling outside the city boundaries is prohibited.
Life is a very dull routine; we get up, go to work (those who are lucky enough to have a job), children go to school, and at the end of each day we are back in our homes. Even though curfew is lifted there is not much life at night in the city of Beit Sahour. It is so sad to see how our lives are being systematically destroyed to the point where no-one has any ambition in life. The longer we are forced to be imprisoned by the Israeli soldiers, the more desperate and miserable we become. Our lives are nothing and we have become so used to this situation which has been forced upon us.
Now, more than ever, we are terrified of the forthcoming war against Iraq. Some say it will start very soon, others say mid March, and so on. Despite the strong opposition that millions of people around the world have expressed, we know that war will be waged against a nation already facing such a harsh situation. We also know that this war will cause much suffering to us in Palestine. Sharon, who has now made agreements with some of the most right wing and anti-Palestinian political groups in the Knesset , will take this opportunity to try and destroy us. Whatever comes upon us, we will survive. He cannot kill all of us and we pray that one day he will have to answer for his war crimes, if not to a court then before God.
I certainly do not want to forget to express my thanks to those who support our plight and I ask you to keep us in your prayers, along with all people who are suffering injustice and oppression throughout our world. God Bless you all.
Your Friend
Suzan Sahori