After returning to Jerusalem, and knowing that the hour of his suffering and glorification was near, Jesus told those near to him, “If anyone would serve me, let him follow me; where I am, there will my servant be.” John 12:26

April 2, 2003

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

After returning to Jerusalem, and knowing that the hour of his suffering and glorification was near, Jesus told those near to him, “If anyone would serve me, let him follow me; where I am, there will my servant be.”  John 12:26 

I have just returned from Jerusalem myself.  I visited the parishes that HCEF has paired with churches in the United States.  I visited the craft shops of those who create gifts for our Holy Land Gifts program, and I visited Christian schools that participate in HCEF’s Child Sponsorship Program. 

WITHOUT QUESTION, the suffering of Christians is far worse now than it was last year at this time, and without question, HCEF has successfully extended the hands of thousands of American Christians in the service of Christ as He lives in the Christians of the Holy Land.

Last year, HCEF was able to reach thousands of American Christians through the work of hundreds of volunteers in cities around the United States.  Our trusted programs include JobCreation/Emergency Relief, the Child Sponsorship Program, Parish Partnerships, and Holy Land Gifts. 

YOUR MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT IN HCEF allows us to maintain the infrastructure of these programs and to bring them personally to new churches and individuals every day!

 Donations toward membership and administrative fees are devoted to maintaining the databases, staffing the office, running the symposia, and maintaining the network of volunteers – the majority of these dollars come to us as contributions from individual people like you!  As you know, we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, and your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 

You may safely make a donation with your credit card online at:

Please feel free to download and print the a pdf file with more information about our Easter Appeal.  Print a copy for a friend! Please click here

If you are already a member of HCEF, we thank you for your generous support and encourage you to renew your membership today! 

If you are not yet a member, please consider becoming a member this year as part of your Lenten preparation.

If you already contribute to a particular program or sponsor a child, please consider making an additional donation during this season that could help support administrative costs at HCEF.

Let us rejoice in our Christian faith that our salvation is assured if we follow his command and serve one another!  Let us also continue to pray that the peace of our Lord will spread abundantly through each of us, and that, ultimately His peace will console those who suffer.

In Christ,

Rateb Y. Rabie, KHS

Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation
6935 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 214
Bethesda, MD 20815
(301) 951-9400 or toll free (866) 871-4233
Fax: (301) 951-9402