A letter that was sent to President Bush by Bishop Wilton Gregory, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, on April 13. This letter, which was released to the press yesterday, was delivered before President Bush’s decision to support significant elements of the Israeli government’s unilateral measures.
The Honorable
George W. Bush
The President
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
In this season when we celebrate the Risen Christ, I write regarding our grave concerns about developments in the Holy Land, and our hope that you and your Administration will take new steps to reverse a seriously deteriorating situation and to revive the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians.
The Catholic community in the United States has strong ties to our Jewish brothers and sisters, and we strongly support a secure and prosperous Israel. We also have strong ties to Christians in the Holy Land, many of whom are Palestinian. Moreover, through Catholic Relief Services, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, and other programs, we are responding to the dire needs of Palestinians of all faiths, and strongly support their legitimate aspirations for an independent, viable state where they can live in dignity and security.
Given these strong ties to both communities, we are especially clear that the current violence and repression, suicide bombings and aggressive responses are unacceptable. Palestinian attacks on innocent civilians cannot be tolerated — both because they are morally abhorrent and because they undermine the legitimate claims of the Palestinian people. Israeli occupation cannot be sustained – militarily or morally; nor can the repressive measures that are sometimes used to enforce this occupation be justified.
U.S. leadership is essential if both sides are to escape this spiral of violence and injustice. Last December, I joined thirty-two other Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders in an unprecedented joint appeal to you and Members of Congress to renew high level U.S. engagement in order to help both sides take the bold steps necessary to rebuild hope that peace is possible. In that appeal, we all agreed that, however daunting the challenges, the United States must remain committed to the goal you articulated in announcing the Road Map – the establishment of a viable, independent and democratic Palestinian state alongside the existing state of Israel, with enduring peace and security for both peoples, based on existing UN Resolutions.
A just and lasting peace will not be possible if the United States acquiesces in unilateral initiatives that undermine these legitimate goals. Christian leaders in the Holy Land are especially concerned about the security wall, which they have called “a grave obstacle” to peace. In my visit in January, I saw first-hand the devastating effect of the wall, which is dividing families, land, and neighborhoods, and is cutting people off from their livelihoods. In Jesus’ birthplace, for example, the Christian community is increasingly trapped and the ability of religious institutions to function normally throughout the Holy Land is severely impeded.
As Pope John Paul said last November, “
I have heard Israelis and Palestinians express their strong desire for peace, justice and reconciliation. They know that the land that is sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims is destined to be shared by two peoples and three faiths. Despite the spiraling violence, they share a vision of a just peace based upon real security for the State of Israel, a viable, democratic state for Palestinians, just resolution of the refugee problem, an end to the humanitarian and economic crisis in the Palestinian areas, an agreement on Jerusalem which protects religious freedom and other basic rights, and implementation of relevant UN resolutions and other provisions of international law. The Israelis and Palestinians need strong support from the international community, especially the United States, to achieve this vision.
Finally, let me share my grave concern about the deteriorating relations between the Israeli government and the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. The growing problem of denial of or delay in granting visas, new difficulties over taxation, failure to implement the Fundamental Agreement signed with the Holy See in 1993, the suspension of negotiations on treaties related to that Agreement, and other matters have created the most difficult situation in living memory for the Church in the Holy Land. It would be a great tragedy if the vital role of the Christian community in the Holy Land is undermined because of these and other actions.
In calling on all parties to “renew dialogue without delay,” the Holy Father recently said that “the international community cannot flee from its responsibilities … but must assume them courageously.” The challenge is daunting. Please be assured of our prayers as you use your position of leadership and the special role that our government must play to help bring about a just peace in the Holy Land.
Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory
Bishop of Belleville
President, USCCB