More than 100 seniors from Birzeit gathered with Fr. Issa Khoury of the local Greek Orthodox Church and the Latin Patriarchate’s Fr. Aziz Halaweh this past Saturday to celebrate International Seniors Day in the gardens adjacent to Birzeit’s Latin Church.

Birzeit’s Seniors Honored at Weekend Luncheon

More than 100 seniors from Birzeit gathered with Fr. Issa Khoury of the local Greek Orthodox Church and the Latin Patriarchates Fr. Aziz Halaweh this past Saturday to celebrate International Seniors Day in the gardens adjacent to Birzeit’s Latin Church. The seniors, the eldest of whom was 86, were all members of Birzeits Father Anton Buzo Senior Citizen Day Care Center (BDCC). The BDCC opened in July 2005 thanks to donations from HCEF as well as Caritas, the Pontifical Mission, and the Latin Patriarchate.



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