As daily living conditions of the Palestinian Christians continue to deteriorate, Christian education becomes more critical. The building of the wall is forcing many out of their homes and making movement to and from jobs and schools more difficult. “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” Mt:18:5 As daily living conditions of the Palestinian Christians continue to deteriorate, Christian education becomes more critical. The building of the wall is forcing many out of their homes and making movement to and from jobs and schools more difficult. The cutting off of international aid and the dimming prospects for peace all contribute to the problems facing Christians who struggle to remain in the Holy Land. Christian education prepares the next generation of Holy Land Christians to face the challenges of living as Christians under difficult conditions, as well as giving them the skills needed to build better lives. Education provides hope for the future. But right the need to act is urgent. Many of the schools are facing the possibility of closing due to lack of funds to cover basic operating expenses. Please sponsor a child today. It takes only $25 monthly, $75 quarterly, $150 semi-annually or $300 yearly to sponsor a child. You can sponsor a child at:
If you are unable to sponsor or are already sponsoring, encourage your friends and family to sponsor.
For more information about the program see visit our Website.
or Contact Mary Wake, Child Sponsorship Coordinator,
(301) 951-9400 Ext 201,