This extraordinary keepsake package contains bottles of traditional Holy Water from the Jordan River and of olive oil pressed from olive trees in the Holy Land. The bottles are placed on a handcrafted Bethlehem olivewood cross stand from.
Bethaney Beyond the Jordan
This extraordinary keepsake package contains bottles of traditional Holy Water from the Jordan River and of olive oil pressed from olive trees in the Holy Land. The bottles are placed on a handcrafted Bethlehem olivewood cross stand from. This package makes a perfect gift or remembrance for baptisms, Christmas, Easter, or other special occasions. It can serve as a remembrance of connection to the Mother Church, and to the people and sacred places in the Holy Land.
Holy water is used within Christian churches as a symbol of spiritual cleansing. By virtue of Jesus' baptism along the eastern shore of the Jordan River in what is now called Jordan; the waters of the Jordan River are considered blessed and holy. This Holy Water has been collected from the site of the baptism of Jesus as certified by the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant clergy who preyed on.
Olive trees, indigenous to the Holy Land, are treasured for the olive oil used in religious rites described throughout the Old and New Testaments. Prophets and Kings were anointed with olive oil and the holy places in Jerusalem burned this sacred oil for light. Following the tradition of anointing with olive oil, Jesus was called the "Anointed One" and His followers were known as the ones ".anointed with olive oil"..
Olivewood products from Bethlehem are made by Palestinian Christian artisans using centuries-old traditional techniques. Bethlehem olivewood is a traditional souvenir of pilgrims returning from the Holy Land, but military occupation in the Palestinian territories has almost ended Christian pilgrimage. More than 800 families depend on income from olivewood products, because carving is one of the only economic activities available to the residents of the City of David. HCEF strives to support the Arab Christians by finding markets for their products as one of many aid and awareness activities.
You can visit the site of Christ's baptism near Madaba, Jordan. Jordan is the Gateway to the Holy Land, and the river Jordan is the source of traditional Holy Water. For more information on visiting sacred places, including the Jordan River baptismal site, the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and the Grotto of the Annunciation in Nazareth, please visit the pilgrimage section of our web site.
To purchase the Holy water, oil, and cross package, please visit our website at
To learn more about the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, please visit