In early January, Bishop Younan and 12 other Jerusalem church leaders issued a “call to unity” expressing deep concern about deteriorating relations between Fatah and Hamas leaders in the Palestianian Authority.
In early January, Bishop Younan and 12 other Jerusalem church leaders issued a “call to unity” expressing deep concern about deteriorating relations between Fatah and Hamas leaders in the Palestianian Authority. In their statement, the church leaders said they “feel the time has come to call for intense prayer to Almighty God for peace and an opportunity for calm.”
The church leaders urged people to pray for their neighbors rather than “hurling accusations at each other.”
“We believe we have an obligation to change course especially for the sake of all of our children and young people who deserve a better future devoid of hatred and bitterness,”
the church leaders wrote. They called for an “all out effort” to unite Palestinians and concentrate on interdependence and the opportunity for peace and security for all people living in the Middle East, including Christians, Jews and Muslims. The Christian church leaders offered themselves as mediators “or in whatever role deemed necessary and helpful by our people,” their letter concluded.