We Christians live in hope and we live in hope more during the Easter season than any other time of the year. We learn from the Easter narrative that God always deals with the human race in love and forgiveness, at the expensive price of sacrificing His only Son.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We Christians live in hope and we live in hope more during the Easter season than any other time of the year. We learn from the Easter narrative that God always deals with the human race in love and forgiveness, at the expensive price of sacrificing His only Son.

Although we must experience the darkness of Good Friday, the crucifixion of Jesus, we can, at the same time, rejoice in the resurrection, hope and life that Easter brings.

During this Easter-tide our hearts are especially sensitive to our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. Two thousand years ago, it was in Jerusalem that our Savior came in human form and died for all people.
So we take time to focus on and remember, not only the places where Jesus lived – Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, but also all of the Christians still living there today.

Easter is the core of faith for the HCEF family. We believe God entered history and took it upon Himself to redeem the fallen sinful world. The Christians of the Holy Land are still a precious remnant of Christ’s Church and we at HCEF are dedicated to standing with these fellow believers and helping them at this very difficult time. In HCEF we seek to build bridges of unity between the Christians in the Holy Land and those of us in the Western world. Many of the Holy Land Christians do not experience the same freedom and privileges we experience in the United States. Living conditions are deplorable, educational tools are very limited, employment is low…but they continue to rejoice in their belief in God, and the hope that we will reach out to do what we can to assist them. It brings us great pleasure to know that we are able to, in some small way, contribute to restoring hope and creating a better life for others.

We also want to thank you for standing and believing with us and for sharing your hope and resources with HCEF and our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.

“Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.”
Psalm 33:21-22

May the Lord continue to bless you this Easter and in the days to come!

Rateb Y. Rabie, KCHS