The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, and through its spokesperson Father Issa Musleh, expressed its condemnations towards the Israeli Police behavior during the Saturday Holy Fire processions against the faithful Christians.
The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, and through its spokesperson Father Issa Musleh, expressed its condemnations towards the Israeli Police behavior during the Saturday Holy Fire processions against the faithful Christians.
Father Musleh declared that the way the police was treating the faithful who were approaching the Holy Sepulcher and the Greek Orthodox convent was outrageous and disproportionate. Thousands of Christians, mainly locals, were prevented access to the Old City streets and beating members of the community were recorded even against women and old people at some incidents.
Father Musleh quoted His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III saying: “I refuse such actions against my congregation. The Greek Orthodox Church will cooperate with the rest of the Churches in joint action to put a stop to what happened today and to guarantee the Religious freedom for the people”
In addition Father Musleh said that praying is the right of all the people and no one has the right to prevent the faithful from conducting their ritual and religious duties especially in the City of Jerusalem . He also warned that the Patriarchate lead by Patriarch Theophilos III will not tolerate any further restrictions to religious freedom over its communities.