Each day Palestinian Christians struggle for their existence in the Holy Land, but that would not be an excuse for neglecting our elders, such as our parents and grand parents.
Each day Palestinian Christians struggle for their existence in the Holy Land, but that would not be an excuse for neglecting our elders, such as our parents and grand parents. Our elders have made many sacrifices for us, and it is our privilege to care and provide for them now. Father Anton Buzo Birzeit Senior Citizen Center, established more than three years ago, serves approximately 60 elders in Birzeit. The mission of HCEF is to contribute to the lives of those who preserved our society and built our communities. Sulima Zabaneh, BSCC Director and HCEF Representative in the Ramallah region BSCC is always looking for ways to reach out to more seniors. We also seek to recognize those who have contributed their skills and talents to their society by nominating them as honorary members of our center. Honorary members receive recognition as contributors to and members of the center. BSCC started this membership with over than 40 honorary members and we celebrated them in a reception held at the center on Friday, May 11, 2005. The Honorary Members were amazed with the impact on the life of the seniors, especially those who had been living in social isolation, but were now feeling accepted and part of a big family. Their interest was peaked and their commitment to support the center solidified. The Honorary members include Fr. Aziz Halaweh – the Latin Parish Priest, Fr. Issa Khoury – the Orthodox Parish priest, Dr. Johar Sayej, Dr. Johnny Khoury, Mr. Even with this strong show of support, the center remains in continuous need. Support from the local and international community is critical to the sustenance of BSCC, especially since this sector does not give support and recognition to this concern. Therefore, at 8:00 P.M. on May 8, 2008, HCEF will hold a fundraising event to benefit the Birzeit Senior Citizen Center. We also need your support. An annual donation of $500, or $250 bi-annually would sponsor one senior citizen for the year. For more information on the BSCC, please click here. |