Please join in an ecumenical prayer vigil for the Christian communities in Jerusalem, for all those who are suffering in the Holy Land — Palestinians and Israelis, and for peace in the Middle East. Please join in an ecumenical prayer vigil for the Christian communities in Jerusalem, for all those who are suffering in the Holy Land — Palestinians and Israelis, and for peace in the Middle East. Sign up you congregation or organization as a vigil participant and get connected with others in your area participating in the vigil. Organized by state, this vigil began in Albama and New York the the First Sunday in Advent, December 3, 2000, shifted to Alaska and North Carolina on December 4, Arizona and North Dakota on December 5, and son on. The vigil will continue until the violence in the Middle East ends and all can celebrate a just and lasting negotiated resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Check the prayer Vigil schedule. to find out what day of the month is designated for your state. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTING THE VIGIL INCLUDE: • praying together as a family, as office colleagues, or parish staff on the date each month designated for your state. • inviting the pastors and congregations in your area to join in this prayer vigil on the date assigned to your state. • partnering and collaborating with other churches located within the same state. • sharing prayers and worship resources you have developed. • organizing or promoting participation in an ecumenical prayer service in your area. Prayer Vigil Information: Updated January