The Council of Churches in the Netherlands wants to express its solidarity and support with the ecumenical and inter-religious initiatives for peace during the Ecumenical Peace Pilgrimage, as far as these activities may to be held due to military restrictions. We are aware of the enormous threats and difficulties which you encounter in your work for a peaceful solution and we pray for the safety of all participants.
Amersfoort, April 10, 2002
To the Heads of Churches and Religious Leaders in Israel and Palestine
Dear brothers,
The Council of Churches in the Netherlands wants to express its solidarity and support with the ecumenical and inter-religious initiatives for peace during the Ecumenical Peace Pilgrimage, as far as these activities may to be held due to military restrictions. We are aware of the enormous threats and difficulties which you encounter in your work for a peaceful solution and we pray for the safety of all participants.
We welcome these initiatives as signs of hope and as expressions of a sincere commitment to the restoration of the broken relationship between people of different religions and divergent political convictions. We are aware of your efforts to walk together in a non-violent March for Peace and we feel connected with your worship services.
We join our voices with the prayers of all people of good will for the end of all violence and for a comprehensive peace, based on justice and security for all the inhabitants of Israel and Palestine. We pray God for wisdom for all political and religious leaders in the region and in the international community, that they may be enabled to create real opportunities for peace.
As Christians, we just experienced during the celebration of Easter the strength of the forces of life and love over against forces promoting death and destruction. Our wish is that this or a similar experience may encourage you to continue your admirable non-violent efforts for peace in these difficult and complicated circumstances. We remember you and your peoples in our prayers.
With warm greetings,
on behalf of the Council of Churches in the Netherlands,
Rev. Ineke Bakker,
General Secretary.