On December 3, 2013, The Dominican Sisters’ Nursery of Bethlehem celebrated the grand opening of their newly renovated outdoor children’s playground. HCEF designed and implemented the renovation in partnership with the Pontifical Mission of Palestine.
In the Picture: Representatives of HCEF and the Pontifical Mission of Palestine gather together with the Dominican Sisters and the Nursery children in the newly renovated playground.
Around 50 children will be playing in the newly renovated playground daily, which, as can be seen above, was previously in an insecure and unsafe environment. Now the sisters of the nursery can let the children play in the restored playground, confident that they’ll be safe and secure. And, judging from the reactions of the children at the opening, they will be having plenty of fun in the new facility.
In The Image: Mr. Sami El-Yousef, Pontifical Mission Regional Director, cuts the ribbon and officially opens the playground.