As Bishop of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod, Bishop Graham has been gracious in his support for HCEF's mission, joining his voice to ours in support of our work in the Holy Land and our advocacy here in the United States. As Sir Rateb Rabie, HCEF President/CEO, says "Bishop Graham has been a steadfast advocate for HCEF and the Christians of the Holy Land. He is a model of how Christian leaders of different denominations can work together towards common goals. He has played an important role in advocating for peace and justice."
The HCEF award is given to an individual who is committed to assisting the Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land, and Palestinians at large, and has demonstrated courage, determination, and action to advance the cause of justice, sustenance, and spiritual support for the Christians in the Holy Land.
Bishop Graham's inspired scriptural insights into the role of Christians in the Holy Land have strengthened HCEF's voice to all Christians in America, in particular the Lutheran community. He has further served HCEF by endorsing events and publicizing them throughout his synod. Sir Rateb attests that "it has been a pleasure and a blessing to hear him at HCEF conferences and events over the years!" His presence as the Lutheran Bishop of Washington D.C. bear witness to HCEF's sincere dedication to ecumenism.
The Rev. Richard H. Graham was elected as bishop of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod of the ELCA othe 2007 Synod Assembly.
Bishop Graham received a Master of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1977 and a Master of Arts degree in Church History from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. in 1989. He is married to Nancy Ann Graham and has two adult daughters.