Saliba Sarsar
O Virgin Mary!
Born in Jerusalem,
raised in Nazareth,
humble, young,
chaste, unwedded bride,
you gave birth in Bethlehem to
the Incarnate Word that
despoils Hades,
saves humanity,
sustains the Kingdom of Heaven.
O Blessed Lady!
You stood by the Cross praying,
you stood by the grave seeking
His immaculate Body
You are forever in our hearts.
We take refuge “under
the shadow of your wings”:
in our happiness,
our pain of loss,
our challenges of daily life.
O Most Holy Theotókos!
You are without comparison:
“the radiant dawn and
sure guide for our steps”
towards the One who is
“the true light,” towards
faith, charity, and service.
You are the supreme defender
of what is just and right. Keep us
safe and focused on good works.
*Anyone quoting from this series should give credit to
HCEF Palestinian Christians: In Their Own Words.