JERUSALEM – Two training courses for teachers in Christian schools were organized,  from first to eleventh grades, the first one in Bethlehem area (from October 4 – 25, 2019), and the second in Ramallah area (from October 25 – November 12, 2019). These two courses aim to train teachers in the implementation of Christian education books that were developed during the years 2016-2018. Note that workshops were organized in the beginning of the mentioned scholastic years, and that training on the new books was carried out.

Forty teachers participated in these two courses, some of whom teach Christian education for the first time, and some of them who have many years in this field. The two courses dealt with new books in terms of the “spiral design of the curriculum”, and the content in its doctrinal, liturgical and ethical dimensions, the distribution of the content throughout the books series, the interrelation of the books with each other among the series, as well as other topics related to the planning of annual and quarterly plans and preparation of Daily lessons. The teachers expressed the usefulness of these courses for developing their educational and teaching performance.

A similar course has been organized for teachers in the Tawjihi class (from January 1 – February 15, 2019), and it also dealt with the book of Christian education for the mentioned class in terms of content, plans, methods, and writing the exams questions of all kinds. It has had a very positive impact on preparing teachers and students to take the first experience of its kind in the history of our Christian schools, namely presenting our students ministerial exam in Christian education.

We thank all those who helped to organize such courses, from organizers, trainers and participants, because they ultimately serve the development of the educational and teaching process of Christian education in our Christian schools, to prepare a new generation of believers who are active in their church and society.

It is worth mentioning that these courses are the result of cooperation between the Department of Religious Studies at Bethlehem University, the Secretariat of Christian Schools and the Catechetical Office of the Latin Patriarchate.

By: Sr. Virginie Habib
Source: Catechetical Office