Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Jesus, Matthew 5:9
Dear Friends of Kairos Palestine and shapers of Justice and Peace throughout the World,
Happy and Holy Christmas to you all. We ask the Lord to fill you with His blessings on this feast which began a new era in human history. “The Word became flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1: 14). We hope that with your cooperation we will succeed in making Christmas message come true in our land, the land of Christmas, message of peace, justice and equality.
Two weeks ago, over 300 persons—Palestinians and friends from around the world—met in Bethlehem to observe the tenth anniversary of Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth. The participants issued a statement explaining how the life in Palestine has further deteriorated under the illegal occupation by the State of Israel and how the oppression is more aggressive and brutal. We all condemned the U.S. Secretary of State’s announcement that the U.S. government no longer deems West Bank settlements to “be inconsistent with international law”; and affirmed that the State of Israel’s recent adoption of the Nation State Law which clearly reveals that de facto apartheid has become de jure apartheid.
We all emphasized that “Now” is the time to stand up and speak out in your own setting to insist on a just peace in our troubled region.
“Blessed are the peace makers,” Jesus said. As we write to wish you a Merry Christmas, we also share our thanks for your partnership in taking bold actions that will one day achieve a just and lasting peace in our land and our region.
Wishing you again a happy and holy Christmas
Bethlehem December 16th, 2019