PALESTINE – On Saturday, July 11, 2020, the results of the Tawjihi exams, also known as General Secondary Education Certificate Examination, were announced across the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. In the Latin Patriarchate Schools, 95% of students have passed their exams, while a 100% success rate was achieved at the Latin Patriarchate schools of Zababdeh and Birzeit.
This year, 267 out of 280 Latin Patriarchate schools’ students have passed their exams, corresponding to a success rate of 95%. In the West Bank, Latin Patriarchate schools of Zababdeh and Birzeit had a success rate of 100%.
In a letter sent to students, teachers and administrative staff, Fr. Jamal Khader, Director of the Latin Patriarchate Schools in Palestine, conveyed his utmost thanksgiving and appreciation for the efforts that were made in light of the difficult situation the country was and still is going through as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the academic year 2019/2020, 77,539 students had sat for the exams in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. According to the Ministry of Education, 55,302 students have passed them; a 71,32% success rate, with the highest averages for the scientific and humanities streams being 99.7 and 99.6 respectively.
It is one of the most crucial stages in the life and future of any Palestinian student. The Tawjihi exams results go hand in hand with the decisions that students have to take regarding their education. The averages of these exams will determine whether or not students will gain entry to universities, in addition to the field of studies they are eligible to apply for. Students who fail one to three exams are given another chance to retake them. In case of passing, he or she will have to apply for universities in the following year.
Source: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem