The times indicated correspond to the local time in Jerusalem on the date of the event.
Do not hesitate to check the schedules and other ceremonies on the CMC website, which will also provide live broadcasts of some of these events.
- Saturday, April 9th, 2022, at the Holy Sepulchre, the last solemn procession of Lent will take place, with the solemn entry of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Mgr Pierbattista Pizzaballa, at 3.00 pm.
- Sunday, April 10th, at 8.00 am, at the Holy Sepulchre, the blessing and procession of the Palms will precede the Pontifical Mass, celebrated in front of the Edicule, with the participation of His Beatitude, Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa. The traditional Palm Sunday procession from Betphage (Mount of Olives) to the Church of St. Anne (Old City) will begin at 2:30 pm, led by the Patriarch of Jerusalem.
Throughout Holy Week, the Custody also offers daily services in various locations in and around Jerusalem, some of which are listed below.
- Monday, April 11th, 2022:
Masses at 6:00 am and 8:00 am at the 5th Station
Holy Sepulchre: Mass in Arabic at 7.00 am at Calvary / Solemn Mass at 8.00 am and daily procession at 5.00 pm
At Bethany (Saint Lazarus), a mass will be celebrated at 6.00 pm.
- Tuesday, April 12th:
At the Holy Sepulchre, the Office of the Passion will be sung during the 8.00 am Mass, and the procession will take place, as every day, at 5.00 pm.
- Wednesday, April 13th:
The Office of the Passion will be sung in Gethsemane and at the Holy Sepulchre during the 8.00 am Mass (with the daily procession). At 10:00 am, an exposition and veneration of the scourging column will be offered to the faithful in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
At 4.00 pm, the First Vespers of Holy Thursday will be celebrated with the participation of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Mgr Pierbattista Pizzaballa.
- Thursday, April 14th (Lord’s Supper):
At 8:00 a.m. in the Holy Sepulchre, His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa will attend the Mass commemorating the Last Supper of our Lord, which will be followed by a procession of the Blessed Sacrament.
Patriarch Pizzaballa will also be present for the divine office to be celebrated in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre at 2.45 pm.
Led by the Custos, at 3.10 pm, the pilgrimage to the Cenacle will start from St. Saviour’s (New Gate), for the washing of the feet ceremony and the visit to the Orthodox churches of St. James and St. Mark.
A solemn mass will also be celebrated in Saint Saviour’s at 5.30 pm.
At 9.00 pm, in the Basilica of All Nations in Gethsemane, the Holy Hour service will begin.
- Friday, April 15th (Passion of the Lord):
The celebration of the Passion of Our Lord will begin at 8:30 am at Calvary (Holy Sepulchre), in the presence of His Beatitude Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa. The Patriarch will also attend the divine office celebrated at 4.00 pm at the Holy Sepulcher.
The procession of the Way of the Cross along the Via Dolorosa will begin at 11:30 am.
Later in the day, in the Holy Sepulchre, the Franciscans will lead one of the most moving ceremony taking place only here in Jerusalem, the funeral procession of Our Lord, at 08.10 pm.
- Saturday, April 16th (Holy Saturday):
At 7.30 am the Easter Vigil will be held at the Holy Sepulchre, followed at 3.30 pm by the solemn entry and procession of His Beatitude, Patriarch Pizzaballa.
Vespers will be celebrated at 6.00 pm.
The Holy Saturday service celebrating the resurrection of the Lord will begin on the night of Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday at 00.30.
- Sunday, April 17th (Easter Sunday):
After an entrance to the Holy Sepulcher at 7.30 am, Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa will participate to a solemn mass at 8.00 am, followed by a solemn procession.
The daily procession will take place at 5.00 pm.
- Monday, April 18th (Easter Monday):
The Patriarch of Jerusalem, after visiting many religious communities in Judea, will celebrate the Mass at Emmaus Nicopolis at 6.00 pm.
At 8.00 am a Mass will be celebrated at the Holy Sepulchre, as well as the daily procession at 5.00 pm.
The Custos of the Holy Land will preside over a Pontifical Mass at 10.00 am at the site of Emmaus (QuBeiBeh) as well as the Vespers at 2.30 pm, followed by the Eucharistic Adoration.