ONE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY IN IRAQ HAD ADDED CAUSE FOR REJOICING THIS EASTER when their church opened for services for the first time since the building was desecrated and damaged by ISIS militants nearly eight years ago.

Entering St Kyriakos’s Chaldean Catholic Church, Batnaya in 2014, the militant extremists decapitated statues and smashed up the altar.

Gunmen used the sacred images above the altar for target practice and the extremists sprayed anti-Christian graffiti on the walls of the nearby Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.The slogans, some in German, read: “O, you [expletive] slaves of the Cross, we will kill you all… You dirty people, you do not belong here.” Even the gravestones of the nearby cemetery were broken into pieces.

St. Kyriakos Church

By the time ISIS had been defeated and the town was declared free from violence, Batnaya had been almost razed to the ground, becoming the worst damaged of the dozen or more Christian towns and villages on the historic Nineveh Plains.

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) undertook a massive restoration and rebuilding program as part of an initiative to help the people of Batnaya to return en masse.

ACN, which supports persecuted and other suffering Christians, has helped towards repairs to two kindergartens in Batnaya, as well as St Clara’s Dominican convent, a parish hall, library and the rectory.

Receiving funding of $260,000, St Kyriakos’s Church and the nearby chapel formed the centerpiece of the ACN restoration scheme and, when an ACN project assessment team visited Batnaya last month, they saw the work was nearing completion.

The work was put on pause for Holy Week to allow the services to take place, the first since August 2014, and Mass attendance peaked at more than 500 for the Easter Vigil.

Reporting to ACN from Batnaya, parish deacon Basim told said: “We were all so happy to come to the church for the Easter services.”

Rev Basim, who has two daughters, Therese, 11, and eight-year-old Veronica, and who teaches English at a local secondary school, added: “We had worked so hard to get to this stage and the place was so full there were people in the aisles.”

Noting that St Kyriakos’s Church is one of the largest churches in the diocese, Coadjutor Bishop Thabet Al Mekko of Alqosh told ACN: “We are all so grateful to Aid to the Church in Need for all the support you have provided.”

Rev Basim said he hoped the work on St Kyriakos would be complete in July, the anniversary of the church, which dates back many centuries but was restored in 1944.

Iraq remains a priority country for ACN. Projects are geared towards safeguarding the presence of the country’s Christians, whose numbers have been decimated, down from more than one million 20 years ago to barely 150,000 today.

—John Pontifex