His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III received today, Friday July 8, a number of the Orthodox Community leaders and Church distinguished members from the city of Acre and its’ surrounding areas (Metropolitanate of Acre, Ba’neh, Jedaideh, Makr, Ebillein, Kufr Smai’, Kufr Yasif, Sakhnin, Rameh, Shafa’amer, Abu Snan).

During the meeting which was attended by their Eminences Metropolitan Benedictos of Bethlehem, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina (the Secretary General), and Archbishop Christophoros of Jordan, His Beatitude recalled late Archimandrite Philotheos, the Patriarchal Vicar in Acre, who played a monumental role and served his community with utmost dedication, asking the Lord to grant him a place in heaven.

In addition, His Beatitude listened carefully to the concerns and needs of the various communities of Acre, more specifically their ecclesiastical and pastoral requests, a region that the Patriarchate holds near and dear to its heart. His Beatitude affirmed the role of the Patriarchate in embracing all members of the Orthodox Church and Christians in the Holy Land, emphasizing that the demands of the communities of Acre and the Galilee are the demands of the Patriarchate, as they are inseparable entities, and these demands stem from the devotion to both the church and the region. Therfore, His Beatitude affirmed that these requests will be taken into consideration in the upcoming Holy Synod, which will be held soon.

Furthermore, Archbishop Christophoros expressed the spirit of love and unity among the attendees, emphasizing the importance of joint cooperation between the Patriarchate, led by His Beatitude Patriarch TheophilosIII of Jerusalem, all the spiritual leaders working with responsibility, and a shared clear vision aimed at the revitalization of the Church and the stability of its communities, recalling the achievements that have been accomplished to that effect in Jordan by the blessing of His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem. 

Towards the end of the meeting, His Beatitude blessed the attendees, calling upon the compassionate God to inspire the Holy Synod Fathers to make the appropriate decision that serves the interests of the Jerusalem Church community in the city of Acre and the towns and villages in its surroundings. In return, the attendees expressed their gratitude to His Beatitude for his love, concern, warm reception, and hospitality.

