On Tuesday evening, October 31, the Latin Patriarchal Vicariate of Jordan held a prayer and a candlelight vigil at Our Lady of Nazareth Church’s square with the participation of hundreds of worshipers for stopping the aggression against Gaza, for peace in all of Palestine, and in support of His Majesty the King’s diplomatic and humanitarian efforts.

Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan Bishop Jamal D’aibes said, “Today’s prayer vigil is in defence of the humane nature of humans and in assertion of the right of every human being to enjoy a dignified life.” He stressed that “the massacres taking place in Gaza are a defeat to human and religious values, as they may not be justified in any way. Furthermore, it is not permissible to justify any attack on human beings, or to pursue discrimination between a human being and the other.

He added, “The Almighty God created all human beings equal, granting them life and dignity, and no human being has the right to take away this life and dignity from human beings. Consequently, no one has the right to deprive innocent people of their livelihood by cutting off food, water, electricity, fuel, and communications. Likewise, no one has the right to discriminate among people, and to treat more than two million people inhumanely.”

He quoted His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, which states that the only way to a secure future for the peoples of the Middle East and the entire world begins with the belief that human lives are of an equal value. He added, “This is what we defend, with our voices while joining the voices of several peace-loving voices. At a time when we feel the suffering that is happening in Gaza, we will not surrender to hatred, violence, or despair.”

Parish priest of Our Lady of Nazareth Church Fr. Hanna Kildani had delivered an address at the beginning of the prayers in which he stressed that all Jordanians, Christians and Muslims, are united behind His Majesty King Abdullah II in his affirmation of the Jordanian-Arab constants represented in supporting the brotherly Palestinian people in stricken Gaza and the justice of their cause.

The participants in the prayers were Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan Mgr. Giovanni Dal Toso, Director of Catholic Center for Studies and Media in Jordan Fr. Dr. Rif’at Bader, Secretary General of the Latin Vicariate Fr. Imad Alamat, a number of priests, nuns, and believers coming from various churches affiliated with the Latin Patriarchate. The crowds held high candles and observed a minute of silence in a fervent prayer for the souls of the martyrs.

By Munir Bayouk | en.abouna.org