Caritas Internationalis has appealed for a ceasefire in the Holy Land, noting in a statement issued on 10 November that, “a month after Hamas’ attack on Israel, the latter’s reaction, and the war that has ensued since, Caritas Internationalis urges both parties to cease fire, protect people, guarantee humanitarian access, abide by international law, and release all the hostages.

Saving all human lives

Secretary General Alistair Dutton says that, “through our common humanity, all human life is equally sacred, and none can be written off as necessary collateral damage.” He emphasises that international humanitarian law must be respected which includes distinguishing between civilians and combatants.

Caritas Internationalis has reiterated its appeal for unimpeded humanitarian access to reach the 2.3 million in Gaza under siege and lacking in water, food, medicine and fuel. The statement also decries a rapidly deteriorating situation in the West Bank, where civilian lives and livelihood are under increasing threat due to the tensions.

Alistair Dutton underscores that “all people in the Holy Land have a right to receive humanitarian assistance and all parties to the conflict must adhere to their obligations to ensure this is provided.

United in prayers for peace

In conclusion, the statement adds that “the Caritas Confederation joins Pope Francis and the representatives of the local Churches in calling for peace” and it unites with “prayers with people of all faiths who pray for peace, understanding and reconciliation, and for a durable, just future for all peoples in the Holy Land and the region of the Middle East.” 

Now is the time for peace,” concludes Alistair Dutton.

Caritas Internationalis is confederation of over 160 member organizations working at the grassroots around the world. Members join together in providing emergency humanitarian aid and development support where most needed, while working locally in their own home regions. Caritas is the “helping hand” of the Catholic Church, assisting the poor, vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on fraternal love and solidarity.