“There is no holy war, peace is only holy”
The Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) in Jordan extends its well-wishes marking the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, pleading with the Almighty God to protect the extended Jordanian family under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah I Ibn Al-Hussein and Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Al-Hussein Ibn Abdullah with hopes that this holy month will be marked in the future at a time when wishes for the attainment of peace and security would be restored in the afflicted Gaza Strip, in Palestine in general, and in all other countries of the world that aspire for justice, freedom and peace.
The CCSM statement issued by its Director Fr. Dr. Rif’at Bader, presents the annual message issued by the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue to all Muslims in the world marking the advent of the, holy month of Ramadan titled, “Muslims and Christians: Extinguish the fire of war and light the candle of peace.” The message called on us, Christians and Muslims, to “extinguish the fires of hatred, violence and war, and in lieu of that light the gentle candle of peace, by drawing on the resources for peace found in our rich human and religious traditions.”
The outset of the message issued by Cardinal Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, Perfect of the Dicastery of Interreligious Dialogue, addresses the growing number of conflicts in these days around the world, ranging from military combat to armed clashes of varying intensity involving states, criminal organizations, armed gangs and civilians, which have become truly alarming even as part of our human family suffers grievously from the devastating effects of the use of arms in warfare, others cynically rejoice in the great economic profit deriving from this immoral commerce. Pope Francis has described this as dipping a morsel of bread in the blood of our brother.
However, the message points to the bright side, namely the enormous human and religious resources that promote peace. The desire for peace and security is deeply rooted in every person of good will, as no one can fail to see the tragic effects of war regarding the loss of human lives, serious injuries, huge numbers of orphans and widows.
The message points out to the tragic consequences of wars which include destruction of infrastructure and properties, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people within their countries, or being forced to flee to other countries as refugees. Consequently, the condemnation and rejection of war should be unambiguous. Every war is fratricide, useless, senseless, and dark. In war, everyone loses. Once again, in the words of Pope Francis: “No war is holy, only peace is holy”.
The annual pontifical message, which is issued annually on the first Friday of Ramadan, affirms that all religions, each in their own way, consider human life sacred and thus worthy of respect and protection for this fundamental dignity of the gift of life which calls for contributing to the conviction that war must be rejected and peace cherished. The pontifical message highlights the important role of conscience. Forming consciences to respect the absolute value of the life of each person and his or her right to physical integrity, security ,and a dignified life which will likewise contribute to the condemnation and rejection of war, any war and all wars.
The message of the Dicastery of Interreligious Dialogue concludes by stating, “We look to the Almighty as God of peace, the source of peace, who in a special way loves all those who devote their lives to the service of peace. Like so many things, peace is a divine gift but at the same time the fruit of human efforts, especially in preparing the conditions necessary for its establishment and preservation.”
By en.abouna.org