Dead Sea,  Leaders from around the world convened at the Gaza Humanitarian Response Conference, hosted by Jordan, to call for increased support and immediate action to address the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced a 60 million euro aid package for Palestine in 2024, urging enhanced support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). “The rule of law must prevail. That’s why we joined South Africa in the lawsuit against Israel before international justice,” Sanchez stated, emphasizing the necessity of ensuring humanitarian aid reaches those in need in Gaza.

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi stressed the urgency of global humanitarian support for Gaza, calling on all nations to deliver aid and implement UN resolutions concerning the occupied Palestinian territories. “We believe in the two-state solution and peaceful coexistence,” Nyusi affirmed.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame underscored the necessity of finding practical and humanitarian solutions to the suffering in Gaza. “The capabilities represented at this conference must yield decisive action to end the daily suffering of civilians,”

Kagame urged. He emphasized support for diplomatic efforts and negotiations to secure an immediate ceasefire and protect civilians and children.

Kagame condemned the targeting of hospitals and displacement centers, highlighting the severe impact on civilians. “These actions are not only legal violations but also inflict daily suffering on innocent people,” he said.

Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob called on all countries to intensify their support for the Palestinian people to reduce human suffering in Gaza and to work towards a comprehensive solution that ends the conflict and achieves peace in the region. He expressed great gratitude to Jordan, Egypt, and all organizations for their support.

“Slovenia, as a member of the European Union and the United Nations, has used these platforms to demand a ceasefire and a comprehensive solution, and we will continue our efforts,” Golob stated.

European Council President Charles Michel stressed that peace is the only guarantee for the Israeli and Palestinian peoples through the implementation of the two-state solution. “UNRWA is not a terrorist organization, and we do not accept dealing with it in this way,” Michel stated. He highlighted that 75 percent of Gaza’s population are displaced and called for preventing the humanitarian catastrophe from worsening.

Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani condemned the crimes against civilians in Gaza, stating that they harm the credibility of international laws and the international system. “We support the existence of a Palestinian state and urge all countries to follow this step,” Al-Sudani said, praising Norway, Spain, Ireland, and UNRWA for their roles in alleviating Palestinian suffering. He expressed hope for practical outcomes from the conference in mobilizing support and delivering coordinated humanitarian aid.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati called on the world to intervene forcefully to stop the ongoing crisis. He expressed hope that UN Security Council Resolution No. 2735 would be a step towards stability. “Lebanon is ready to provide relief to the injured in Gaza, especially children, in its hospitals and to support medical personnel,”

Mikati stated. He highlighted the unprecedented destruction caused by Israeli aggression and its impact on southern Lebanon, turning it into a barren and scorched land.

United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, highlighted the importance of legally protected aid delivery to Gaza, with UNRWA playing a central role.

“Humanitarian assistance must be provided safely and effectively in Gaza,” Griffiths remarked during the opening session.

The conference, held on the shores of the Dead Sea, brought together international leaders and experts to address the critical humanitarian needs in Gaza and seek sustainable solutions to the ongoing war.
