Pope Francis has appealed for all people to pray for peace in our world, mentioning in particular Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon.
Speaking at the conclusion of the Sunday Angelus in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope prayed that the escalation in violence may stop and that respect for the sacredness of human life become top priority. He pointed out that every day we see that the first hit is the civilian population, the so many innocent victims as seen in the terrible images of children who are slaughtered daily.
He underscored his appeal for all to pray for peace.
75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions
He also recalled that in the coming week an International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent will open in Geneva on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions. He expressed his hopes that this event will “awaken consciences so that, during armed conflicts, the life and dignity of persons and peoples, as well as the integrity of civilian structures and places of worship are respected in accordance with international humanitarian law.” He remarked how sad it is to see how hospitals and schools are destroyed in war.
Remembering murdered priest in Chiapas
The Pope then turned his thoughts to the faithful in San Cristóbal de las Casas in the Mexican state of Chiapas mourning the loss of Fr. Marcelo Pérez Pérez who was murdered last Sunday. Describing him as “a zealous servant of the Gospel and God’s faithful people”, the Pope prayed that his sacrifice, like that of other priests killed for fidelity to their ministry, “may be a seed of peace and Christian life.”
Pope Francis also assured the people of the Philippines hit by a powerful cyclone of his prayers for their wellbeing and that the Lord may sustain these people of great faith.
Anniversary of Nostra Aetate
In conclusion, the Pope recalled the 50th anniversary of the creation by Saint Paul VI of the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the upcoming 60th anniversary of the Declaration Nostra Aetate of the Second Vatican Council. The Pope said that especially now, during these times of great suffering and tensions, he wishes to offer his encouragement to all those who are committed to dialogue and peace at the local level.
By Thaddeus Jones | Vatican news