“We know that around us everything talks about conflicts, divisions, hatred, but today, we want to concentrate also on the other part of the life here, on the many people who want to give their lives to Jesus and to their neighbor.”

In an interview with Vatican News, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, shared that desire following the Consecration of the Church of the Baptism of Jesus in Jordan on Friday morning. 

The long-awaited event was presided over by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, and drew some six thousand pilgrims and faithful.

At the Al-Maghtas Baptism site, the Cardinals shared their happiness for the faith-filled joyous occasion, which ought to encourage us likewise to be hopeful, rather than despondent, especially during the Jubilee of Hope.

Patriarch Pizzaballa explained that the Consecration marks the end of a long process. “The dedication of the church,” he added, “is also a sign of renewal of the Church and a new beginning.”

“This place, which is the holy place of the baptism of Jesus, which also marks the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, marks a new beginning for the life of our Church.”

Acknowledging war in the Holy Land and the humanitarian crises causing dramatic suffering, Patriarch Pizzaballa decried the dramatic situation.

He stressed that the consecration was about focusing on the good, “the other part of the life here,” which is manifested in many wishing to offer their lives to the Lord and to their neighbours.