At the conclusion of his visit to Jordan for the inauguration of the Church of the Baptism of Jesus Christ at the Baptism Site, Holy See Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin gave an exclusive interview conducted by Director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media in Amman Fr. Dr. Rifat Bader.
Following is the text:
Question: Your Eminence, what impression did you get from Jordan , after the days of many activities , meetings, and of course inauguration of the new Church at the Baptism Site?
Answer: In the end of these days, I am very, very, very happy of this experience and it was a great experience for me to be here to share a few days, few celebrations, and a few meetings with the Jordanian people and the authorities of course. I had the chance to meet His Majesty King Abdullah II. I am very lucky of this opportunity. I like also through your website to send to him greetings and the best wishes for his life and mission, to the prime minister also. It was a good meeting.
And then as you said in the religious plan with the representatives of different religions and of clergy are here. I think it was really a good experience and I think it was important and important for the Church, of course the dedication of the Church of the Baptism which is a very important place of the life of Jesus Christ and then for the Church and for all the churches for the Christians.
Let us say even though it was a Latin church and then also for the country to highlight the important role which Jordan plays in the situation of the region as a stable and peaceful country , where all the components live peacefully and where the authorities promote this understanding, this respect among all people especially with the Christians. Then, I think that we really, really, achieved the objective of our presence and we are thankful to God that I passed to do so.
Question: Your eminence what would you say for the media, a word of encouragement because the media covered, in a very nice way, your visit especially the Church, the local, the Arab also media was there and international and Vatican media.
Answer: Yes, we will say these words with great pleasure because I understand the role that the media are playing in the present world. Really let us say of “information”, it is important to be informing about what is going on but according to me, it should be a source of “formation” for the people just informing in a right and correct way and to give to anybody. Let us say to have the wrong conclusion from what is happening without prejudice or without very sided interpretation of the reality. Then, it is really a great pleasure that I say a word of congratulation of that job and encouragement to do as best as possible for this important role they have to play.