Today,Palestinians find themselves living under the most severe restrictions and greater fear then ever before. Since March of this year, all Palestinian areas have experienced constant invasions, re-occupation and a surge of violent aggressions from the Israeli military. Even before this our lives were difficult and we suffered tremendous pressures just in an effort to survive each day. Now,it is far worse.
Today, Palestinians find themselves living under the most severe restrictions and greater fear then ever before. Since March of this year, all Palestinian areas have experienced constant invasions, re-occupation and a surge of violent aggressions from the Israeli military. Even before this our lives were difficult and we suffered tremendous pressures just in an effort to survive each day. Now, it is far worse.
Following the monstrous attack in Gaza, where 15 people were killed by a 1 ton bomb being blasted into the heart of a densely populated residential area, we have been tentatively pleased to see the reaction of the international community. Strong condemnation has been issued from the United Nations, from the European Union and from the United States, however this is not enough. Words, no matter how strong or how sincere, will not halt the violence.
The international community must now understand that this is the time for action. Israel can no longer be allowed to act with impunity and with such blatant disregard for the efforts being made to engage both sides in sincere dialogue. The attack was sanctioned by Sharon at a time when Israeli and Palestinian officials had made serious steps to open discussions, and where the PA had been in productive negotiations with Hamas, an effort specifically designed to halt the suicide attacks.
Sharon cannot have it both ways; demanding that the PA and Arafat stop the so-called terrorist attacks on Israelis, then, murdering a leading activist in the knowledge that this would inevitably provoke an angry reaction amongst Palestinians. It is an obscene logic. That 1 ton bomb was designed to do more than kill Shehada; Sharon also wanted to kill the chance of peace.
These actions of man known to have committed excessive atrocities during his chequered military career should show clearly his true intentions. The time has come for the international community to act, with or without the acquiescence of Israel. We need an international force, on the ground, to observe and monitor the actions of both sides. If Israel is not willing to comply, then they must be forced to.
If Sharon continues to wage such a barbaric and ruthless campaign of terror against us, there will be much more bloodshed and heartache to come, for both Palestinians and Israelis.