The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) institutes this Special Christmas Appeal as part of HCEF’s larger Emergency Appeal that will be used for job creation in order to encourage and assist Christians to remain in the Holy Land

The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) institutes this Special Christmas Appeal as part of HCEF’s larger Emergency Appeal that will be used for job creation in order to encourage and assist Christians to remain in the Holy Land.  If we can raise $15,000 through YOUR IMMEDIATE DONATION we can provide local clergy the funding to purchase locally made gifts for each of the 3500 children in Bethlehem on behalf of their Christian family around the world. The angels appeared to their ancestors, the shepherds, and invited them to bring their finest gifts for the newborn king, Jesus.  Let us offer a humble gift to these children in thanks for their joyful faith.
The Children of Bethlehem Prepare for Christmas – Do not be afraid!
“At home our son pronounces his first words: mama, baba.  His first teeth can be felt, another milestone!  We say that our Christmas will be spent under curfew, but our daughter replies, ‘Do not be afraid’ – a phrase she has learned from us and which she now herself uses to show her independence and authority – and mysteriously says that we should wait and see how beautiful Christmas in Bethlehem will be!”

Do not prevent the children from coming to me,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these!  (Mark 10:12)
It is usual for kids to imitate the sounds of the jeep’s loudspeakers ‘mamnou’a el-tajawoul’ (forbidden to go out) during the many hours of total curfew, trying to make fun out of their confinement.  Living two-families-to-a-home because of the home demolitions, the children bring vitality to the daily life of wondering whether they will be able to get food or visit a neighbor.  They are the constant reminder for their families that regardless of whether they can walk to the church, Jesus is in their midst. 
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PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TODAY so that these children will receive Christmas gifts from their local parishes.  You may make a donation on line by clicking on the link below,

You may also send donations, or make donations by credit card or fax to:

Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation – CHRISTMAS APPEAL
P.O.Box 6687 Silver Spring, MD 202906
Tel: (301) 951-9400; Fax (301) 951-9402; Toll Free (866) 871-4233

Please continue to pray for peace in the land of our Savior’s birth.
HCEF wishes you a blessed and holy Advent and Christmas.

The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation is a 501c3 tax exempt, non-profit organization committed to improving the lives of Christians in the Holy Land by developing bonds of solidarity with Christians in the United States.