We would like to share with you our most heartfelt sympathy for the tragic events that so many of your families, relatives and friends may be going through.
Dear friends and Church leaders,
We would like to share with you our most heartfelt sympathy for the tragic events that so many of your families, relatives and friends may be going through. We would also like to express our most sincere condolences for those who have lost friends and loved ones, and in particular to the American people for such a great loss. We pray that God will help guide those who have suffered so much and give them the strength to persevere through this difficult time.
We stand united with you in solidarity to reemerge from this horrendous tragedy with a stronger shared determination to work for a better world for all people, in which frustration and hatred are replaced by love and reconciliation.
The Palestinian Staff and our families
Catholic Relief Services
Jerusalem/West Bank and Gaza (JWBG)
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