When is the world going to stop this deadly madness on the ground of Palestine and Israel? You must all intervene immediately with all your power and in the manner which you are capable off to stop this severe escalation in brutality; we fear the worst. We have always been sure that Mr. Sharon had no intention of negotiating for an independent Palestinian State, to see us live side by side with the state of Israeli.

When is the world going to stop this deadly madness on the ground of Palestine and Israel? You must all intervene immediately with all your power and in the manner which you are capable off to stop this severe escalation in brutality; we fear the worst. We have always been sure that Mr. Sharon had no intention of negotiating for an independent Palestinian State, to see us live side by side with the state of Israeli.
We believe that many of the Israeli citizens along side with many Palestinian citizens oppose to the state of deterioration of the bloody conflict between our two governments.
On the day in which we Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Israeli troops invaded Ramallah and al Bireh and have entered the compound of our President, Yasser Arafat. Tanks and bulldozers, missiles and assault troops, are all being utilized to attack us. Many Palestinians have been killed or injured and the Israeli forces are preventing Red Cross medical vehicles and personnel from evacuating these casualties for emergency treatment, in direct contravention of international law. Despite 2 international civilians being present in the compound and despite their attempts at negotiation, the Israeli forces have still refused to allow any medical aid to reach the dying. They have partially destroyed the headquarters of the PNA and have taken over much of the building. In addition, the telephone lines have all been cut and the last message received was an urgent plea via text message requesting the Red Cross be given immediate access.
Early this morning the Israeli troops invaded Beit Jala, taking over strategically placed buildings and stationing snipers. Is there intention to reoccupy the whole of Palestine, or is their objective to harm Arafat? Do they want to arrest him, or do they believe he is the responsible for all these acts of terror? But let us not forget, according to many Israeli’s Sharon is a terrorist himself. Since he took over as Prime Minister of Israeli, we have only seen bloody and deadly attacks committed by both sides.
On March 28th, 2002 we witnessed yet more dead, more injured and more anger. The bombing in Netanya and in Kuriat Yofeel on the 29th of March, which has left over 20 Israelis killed and many injured, was shocking. We know the world will view this as a terrorist attack against Israelis and we, Palestinians who demand justice and peace in the land in which we were born, do not accept that attacks such as this can help the legitimate cause of the Palestinian people struggling against the illegal and brutal occupation of our land.
The needless deaths of these Israelis hurt us as much as the needless deaths of Palestinians. We do not wish to see our Jewish brothers bury their dead, as we have, in our turn, had to bury our dead for so long now. This is not the way forward for peace between us. We condemn, as we have always done, the killing of people in this manner.
Again, we raise our voice against such actions but we are wondering where the voices of reason, the voices of those who condemn the useless waste of life are concerning the killings of defenseless Palestinians too. We see no difference between the killing of ‘Shlomi’ and the killing of ‘Ahmad’. An Israeli dies, a Palestinian dies. But whose life is worth more? Does the legitimization of a people lie in the amount of money poured into the military machinery that runs a country?
George Bush condemns the killings of those in Netanya and says “this callous, this cold blooded killing must stop.” But does that sentiment run true for the killing of Palestinians too? The United States always gives the most popular excuse of “fighting terrorism” to support Israeli forces in their acts of terror committed against our civilians, stating that Israel must do all in its power to protect itself and to fight against terrorism. America funds the Israeli government to the tune of $2billion in armaments, $1billion in economic aid and $16b in outstanding loans (to be reviewed in 2008). The weapons supplied are killing us daily.
Israeli military forces routinely harass, brutalize and demean Palestinians. Palestinians are also human beings, people who are just trying to live their lives. But the same government, the American administration, calls Palestinians struggling against an illegal occupation of their land, an occupation that has seen over 700,000 refugees emerge, as terrorists. Where is the justice in that? Did we Palestinians ask to be forced from our homes, to flee from killings and destruction, to become refugees and to live in the most appalling and hideous of circumstances?
Is there no end to the suffering of both people? Perhaps, when the world wakes up to the fact that Palestinians are made of the same flesh and blood as other human beings, then we can begin to move forward to a just and lasting peace that will encompass all people, no matter who or what they are.
When the world realizes that Palestinians want nothing more than any other people, to have the right to live in peace and with dignity within the land of their forefathers, then perhaps we can achieve a world within which all can live in peace, security and understanding.