The Middle East situation has, for some time, presented me with a difficult personal dilemma – my wife and I have life-long friends who are Orthodox Jews living in an Israeli settlement just outside of Bethlehem. We love them dearly and pray regularly for their health and safety. However, I have also witnessed first hand the excesses of Israeli military and defense forces against Palestinian children.

April 10, 2002

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

The Middle East situation has, for some time, presented me with a difficult personal dilemma – my wife and I have life-long friends who are Orthodox Jews living in an Israeli settlement just outside of Bethlehem. We love them dearly and pray regularly for their health and safety. However, I have also witnessed first hand the excesses of Israeli military and defense forces against Palestinian children.

The present Israeli military incursion into Palestine is appallingly brutal in its thrust against an innocent civilian population. I am horrified at the vandalism and wanton destruction of the property of the Palestinian people. It is time for the Christian community to stand and say to Israel, “Enough!

We support your right to safety, but the attack on innocent civilians is unacceptable.” Present Israeli actions are doing nothing to promote their own safety and each more aggressive action hardens the hearts and consciences not just of Muslims but Palestinian Christians whose families have been in this land since before Pentecost.

As Senior Pastor of the largest Presbyterian congregation in the country (nearly 10,000 members), I am urging my congregation and my denomination to protest our government’s continued tolerance and financial support of Israeli atrocities.


Victor D. Pentz
Senior Pastor