The appointment is scheduled at 8pm on Saturday 24, eve of the feast of Our Lady of Palestine: all the Catholic parishes of Palestine, Israel and Jordan, will hold a prayer vigil in which young people of the Holy Land will ask the Lord for the gift of peace before the escalation of violence that is again devastating the land of Jesus. The initiative was launched by the Christian Youth of Palestine. “Young people want to pray for peace throughout the Middle East”, explains to Agenzia Fides Father Bashar Fawadleh, chaplain of the Christian Youth of Palestine, “but especially for peace in Jerusalem, which is our city, our capital, Holy City of peace and that these days has again become the scene of blood, violence, oppression and death”. The vigil is open to all young people of the Holy Land, not only Christians: “young Muslims and Jews can come too and together we will ask God, Almighty and Merciful to touch the hearts of men and to free them from hatred, fear and thirst for revenge”.
Source: Fides News