The President of Birzeit University,
Dr. Abdullatif Abuhijleh,
will deliver the keynote address
Status of Palestinian Higher Education, Challenges and Opportunities
WHEN: Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 at 2:00pm
WHERE: The Jerusalem Fund & Palestine Center
2425 Virginia Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037
Dr. Abuhiljeh will share his insights on overcoming the challenges to Palestinian higher education, which include incursions of soldiers into campuses, withdrawal of visas from international scholars on university faculties, and roadblocks and checkpoints that make it difficult for students to travel to their classes. These aggressive actions have been strategically designed to deprive Palestinians of the education needed for societal progress. Access to education is one of the human rights named in the UN Universal Declaration of 1948, and any occupying power is obligated to provide it. But the rights of Palestinians are systematically violated. In this grim situation, Birzeit University has taken the lead in establishing the Right to Education campaign, which has spread to other Palestinian universities.
Learn more by hearing and interacting with the President of Birzeit University
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