Director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) in Jordan has won the Arab Tourism Media Oscars Award 2019 for the best article on tourism which was published in Jordanian daily Al Rai on October 17, 2018 titled, “Religious Tourism Next Year, 2019”. Futhermore, Bushra Nairoukh, who works at the Jordan News Agency, Petra, won another award for a film titled, “Aqaba, the World Tourism Destination,” while Wafa’ Sbeih who works at Jordanian daily Ad-Dustour won another award.

Following the announcement of the results for this year, CCSM Director Fr. Dr. Rif’at Bader expressed his pleasure for obtaining the title of being the best Arab columnist in the field of tourism. He said that his article published in the Jordanian newspaper “Religious Tourism Next Year, 2019” predicted the prosperity of the religious tourism season, especially in Jordan, and this is what we are already seeing these days, as what is also going to be the case in the coming months.

Fr. Dr. Bader, named as member of the National Tourism Council in Jordan weeks ago, stressed that what he has been calling for a long time ago is the need to supplement the integrated tourism process with all the elements that provide for invitations to visit Jordan and enjoy its touristic and archaeological treasures. He said that the media plays a key role in the revitalization of the domestic tourism as well as in encouraging and attracting people from every part of the world to visit Jordan and get blessed by its holy places.

Fr. Dr. Rif’at Bader continued that the tourism process is an integrated process which is not carried out by one party without the others as it involves the media and the authorities. Citizens are also an essential cornerstone in the invitations to visit their country. He stressed that the article focuses on the role of the tour guides as they represent the bright image of their counties and mirror Jordan’s opening its arms welcoming tourists. In conclusion, Fr. Bader expressed the hope that these propitious efforts will lead to a prosperous reality in religious tourism in the days to come.

The CCSM congratulates Fr. Dr. Rif’at Bader for winning the award of the best Arab article in the Arab Tourism Media Oscars Awards 2019 competition after having the results released in the International Tourism Board in Berlin on Saturday, March 9.
