On Sunday, September 3rd, 2023, Mgr Rafiq Nahra, Patriarchal Vicar of Israel, attended the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the basilica of Jesus Adolescent in Nazareth. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Alexandro Lyon, Father general of the Salesians in the Middle East, and concelebrated by Fr. Munir Al Ray, Chaplain of the Salesian monastery in Nazareth.

The Gospel reading was from Luke 2: 41-52, discussing the Boy Jesus in the Temple. Many attended the celebration, including Mons. Yussef Matta, archbishop of St John of Acre, Haifa, Nazareth and the whole of Galilee for the Melkite Greek Catholics.

The Basilica of Jesus Adolescent was dedicated in the year 1923. The anniversary commemorates those who played a crucial role in the building of the Church.  On this occasion, the message of Fr. Alexandro and Fr. Munir is that we remember that young Jesus is “the source”, “the proverb”, and “the heart”, as well as “the center” of our youthful spirituality. “He is our treasure, and our security comes from Him, and Him alone,” they said. And through our testimony and the help of the Synod’s message titled “CHRISTUS VIVIT”, it acts as a revival of the pastoral care and spirituality centered on the youth returns.”

By: LPJ Media Office