Dear Friends,
Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
From Archbishop Hosam Naoum:
Just over two weeks ago, the world was horrified at the sudden eruption of war in the Holy Land, resulting in hundreds of deaths, injuries, and displacements. Since that time, those numbers have multiplied into the thousands, as open hostilities have drastically escalated. Innocent civilians, especially women and children, have been caught in the deadly crossfire. As you have probably seen, a massive rocket blast exploded in the midst of our own Ahli Hospital in the heart of Gaza City, tragically killing or seriously wounding hundreds of refugees who had gathered there because they had no other place of shelter in which to go.
Although Ahli’s buildings were heavily damaged, two nights later our devoted staff partially reopened the hospital. In doing this, they demonstrated the determination we have in the Diocese of Jerusalem to persevere in our Christian mission to serve others as though we were serving Christ himself (Matt 25:31-46). And this is the case not just for Gaza, but throughout all the Holy Land. Yet in order to accomplish this mission in the midst of a devastating war, we need to draw upon the strength of the larger Body of Christ. For we understand that when one member of the Body suffers, all parts suffer (1 Cor 12:26).
And so, my sisters and brothers in Christ, I appeal to you to first of all to pray for our mission here, as well for the peace of Jerusalem (Psa 122:6). Secondly, advocate with your representatives for a just and lasting peace in the Holy Land, so that all who dwell within these lands can live in security. Finally, if you are able, support our ministries in Gaza, Palestine & Israel, and throughout the Diocese of Jerusalem by contributing financially through one of our international partners.
Thank you for helping us continue the work of our Lord Jesus Christ in the very lands in which he himself ministered in his earthly life before offering up his life on our behalf and then rising again victorious from the grave, overcoming death and giving us hope for a new life. May God bless you.
From Archbishop Justin Welby:
As war devastates the Holy Land, we ask where Christ is to be found amid the cries of His children. When the lives of the innocent are at risk, we strain our eyes for the light of the One who offers healing, peace, and justice. In Gaza, the Al Ahli hospital, run by the Diocese of Jerusalem, is that light. Despite being hit by rocket fire last week, it is still providing critical care to the injured and anyone in need of medical attention. As health services become even more vital in Gaza, the work of the hospital becomes more difficult for urgent need of medications, equipment and fuel.
Please, continue to pray for those who mourn, those who are in pain, and those who are in fear, and for those who are caring for the injured and bereaved. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says that those who have looked after the sick have cared for Christ himself. I urge everyone, if they are able, to support the Al Ahli Hospital’s work caring for the wounded body of Jesus Christ and contribute to the Gaza Appeal.
In Christ,
The Most Reverend Hosam E. Naoum
Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem
The Most Reverend Justin Welby
The Archbishop of Canterbury