
From Left : Mrs. Claudette Habesch, Mrs. Najat Khalil, Mrs. Moura Erakat, Ms. Bethany Saad

Women play a critical role in Palestinian politics, civil society and many other sectors. They form the backbone of Palestinian culture and society both within Palestine and outside it in the diaspora. Our panel on “Empowering Women in Palestinian Society” will elaborate the important contribution women are making to Palestine in these fields and more regardless of geography.

For this panel we have four powerful women from different generations with strong backgrounds in their respective fields. Mrs. Claudette Habesch, former secretary general for Caritas Jerusalem, will moderate the panel sharing her expertise as a woman who through her work, has empowered women for the sake of empowering society. Mrs. Habesch held the post of secretary general for three decades and changed the lives of many women in the process. Mrs. Najat Khalil Arafat, President of the Arab Women’s Council, has been active for decades empowering women and providing support for the Palestinian community in the diaspora. Mrs. Noura Erakat, Human Rights Attorney, Activist and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University who has been involved in politics, defending Palestinian Rights, and educating Americans on the topic. Last but not least, Ms. Bethany Saad a young woman who joined the Know Thy Heritage leadership program in 2013 and is currently a Program Coordinator at John Snow, Inc. She will speak on the impact this journey to her homeland had in connecting her to the Palestinian Society as a second generation Palestinian. Her personal and professional life was transformed, now she works on empowering other youth in the diaspora from around the world, especially the 3rd and 4th generation youth, by connecting them with the KTH program.

Come join us and hear this wonderful presentation, a living testimony to what empowering women can do for Palestinian Society and for the world at large. This panel will be addressed at the  HCEF 16th International Conference in the Washington Marriott Georgetown Hotel, on Saturday, October 18th from 2:45 AM – 3:45 PM.  Sir Rateb Rabie, President/CEO of HCEF expresses his enthusiasm for this panel: “Come learn from these powerful women who have built Palestinian Society both in Palestine and outside it in the Diaspora. I personally invite you to be part of this discussion and the conference!”

Registration is now open! Take a step forward, put your faith into action and register for the 16th International Conference . For more information on the Conference, please click on the links below.

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