The role of the three great Abrahamic religions as a catalyst for peace will be discussed. The panel will address: Can faith provide an alternate avenue for engagement? How can faith be harnessed more effectively in the peace process? Can it be a bridge to final reconciliation in the Holy Land?


the rev. richard h. graham
Bishop Richard Graham
ELCA, Metropolitan
Washington Synod
Imam Yahya Hendi
Muslim Chaplain
Gejkmorgetown University
Founder, Clergy
Beyond Borders
Dr. Mark Braverman
Executive Director
Holy Land Education
and Peace Building Project
Fr. Dennis McManus
Assistant Director
The Pope John Paul II CC


A unifying tenet of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious traditions is that all human life is sacred and that God is proactive, blessing the peacemakers. A panel of distinguished religious leaders will discuss and debate how faith in God and the fundamental proposition of the sacredness of life can be effective in resolving conflicts, healing divisions and banishing hate. The panel will focus on how religion can play a decisive role in the peace process in the current conflict.

The panel will include Bishop Richard Graham of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Metropolitan Washington Synod, Imam Yahya Hendi, Muslim Chaplain at Georgetown University and founder of Clergy Beyond Borders and Dr. Mark Braverman, Executive Director of the Holy Land Education and Peace Building Project. Fr. Dennis McManus, Assistant Director of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center and a widely respected author and leader on inter-faith dialogue will serve as the moderator.

The panel will discuss these issues during the 11th HCEF International Conference co-hosted by the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, DC held at the Center on Saturday October 24, 2009.