At Christmastime, the entire world is reminded of Bethlehem. Only a few years ago, songs in all languages of the world and could be heard coming out of the small town of Bethlehem, through the Judean valleys all around. Today, only the local choirs remain. The rest of the world recalls the Bethlehem of 2,000 years ago, but the land of our Prince of Peace today is not a joyful birthplace of peace.

Dear brothers and sisters,


At Christmastime, the entire world is reminded of Bethlehem.  Only a few years ago, songs in all languages of the world and could be heard coming out of the small town of Bethlehem, through the Judean valleys all around.  Today, only the local choirs remain.  The rest of the world recalls the Bethlehem of 2,000 years ago, but the land of our Prince of Peace today is not a joyful birthplace of peace. 


To Christians in the Holy Land, Christmas is the light in the darkness of their world.  The Christians in Bethlehem hold on to the hope of the first Christmas, and hold on to the hope that next Christmas will be a joyful one.  They rest on the flame of solidarity, that the Christians of the world will remember Bethlehem, and will come and join them for the birth of Christ. 


During our celebration of Christmas this year, let us think about our roots, about our heritage.  Let us think about the plight of the Christians today, who are besieged by Occupation, alienated by a conflict in which they are only bystanders and targets.  Arab Christians are the people that are the closest to those whom Jesus came to witness among; they are the shepherds who first heard the Good News. 


Thank you all for your support of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation.  Through your continuous support, you have made a dent in the Holy Land, and you have prepared a treasure in Heaven.  Let us now continue to support the Christians, through our prayers, through our presence in the Pilgrimage, through our gifts to Christian children at Christmas.  Let us be disciples of solidarity, of the love that has truth on its side.



Christians everywhere will be poised to receive anew God’s eternal promise of hope. Regardless of how tortured and painful the present situation may seem, Christians will cling again to their hope at Christmas.


We thank you all, on behalf of our Lord, for being a faithful part of the HCEF family.  May the joys of Christmas warm your heart again now and throughout the New Year.



In the Child Jesus,


Rateb Rabie, KHS

President, HCEF