Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Salaam / Peace and grace from Bethlehem, the little town in the Land of the Holy One. Stars do not only penetrate the dark skies; they also give sight and shine bright in the darkest moments of any long and scary night. Light brings life. In the words of St. John: “In Jesus was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4-5. The circle of life must continue to defeat and indeed overcome all darkness and with a shining armor, it must continue to rift and crack all wombs and tombs and make birth the event of events and the miracle of all miracles.

“We saw his star in the East and have come to worship.”  Matthew 2:2

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Salaam / Peace and grace from Bethlehem, the little town in the Land of the Holy One. 

Stars do not only penetrate the dark skies; they also give sight and shine bright in the darkest moments of any long and scary night.  Light brings life.  In the words of St. John:  “In Jesus was life and the life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”  John 1:4-5.   The circle of life must continue to defeat and indeed overcome all darkness and with a shining armor, it must continue to rift and crack all wombs and tombs and make birth the event of events and the miracle of all miracles.

Towards the end of the year 2004, the heart of Palestine quaked with the passing away of President Yasser Arafat.  Calendars all around the globe marked November 11th 2004 with the black ribbon of sorrow and mourning.  Nevertheless, a nation of faith is a nation of convictions:  It will shake off the rains of sadness from upon its shoulders and its paralyzed hopes and trembling decisions will once again fly, with the sacred wings of freedom, northward to its right- righteous destination.   

Whether it is in Palestine or in Iraq our mission as one family in Christ must ultimately and urgently transcend into ethical duty and moral obligation.  It is time that we realize and help others realize the pain and suffering of our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity. The frozen, careless, indifferent waxed hearts must melt down and learn the art of arts – that of meeting the other fellow halfway.  The moment to give a hand is now. With the divine mutual cooperation we can wrestle, up-rise, and breakup the iron chains of human occupation: release, liberate and set free the captive souls, deprived refugees, and shivering scared homeless escapees.

It is Christmas again.  It is high time to join hands and unchain our dear Bethlehem, to cross over and above every barrier, and to welcome the millions of pilgrims from around the globe to come and shout with joy “Glory to God in the Highest Heaven, And on Earth Peace among Those Whom He Favors.” 

Our prayer this Christmas is that the star of the East may enlighten all in power and wake them up, refreshed anew with humanity, to fulfill the greatest of goals – namely life and life with dignity and freedom for all.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and may 2005 be the year of the Turning Point for peace with justice, for healing and reconciliation.

In Christ,

+ Riah Abu El-Assal