By Saliba Sarsar, Ph.D.*

His Beatitude Michel Sabbah served as the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem between1987 and 2008. The Latin Patriarch is the bishop of those Middle Eastern Catholics who follow the Western Catholic liturgy. H.B. Sabbah was born in Nazareth, studied at the Latin Patriarchate Seminary in Beit Jala, and was ordained in Nazareth in 1955. He received his doctorate in Arab Philology from the Sorbonne.

During his priesthood, H.B. Sabbah served in parishes in the diocese, as the diocesan youth director and the director of education, and as the President of Bethlehem University. He also has served or serves as Chair of the Advisory Board of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF); President of the Episcopal Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Region (CELERA); President of the Assembly of the Catholics Ordinaries of the Holy Land; member of the Council of Catholics Patriarchs of the Middle East; member of the Council of Christians Ordinaries of the Holy Land; member of the Middle East Council of Churches; and President of Pax Christi International.

As Patriarch, H.B. Sabbah was most prolific, giving sermons, issuing eight pastoral letters, and speaking on spiritual and other issues important to Christianity in general and Arab Christians in particular. Moreover, much has been written on him. Below is a select bibliography, consisting of 150 works by him and on him.

I. Statements and Writings by Patriarch Michel Sabbah

1. “First Pastoral Letter of H.B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1988. <>.

2. “Second Pastoral Letter of H.B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1990. <>.

3. “Jerusalem, Tragedy and Hope for all peoples.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1992. <>.

4. Third Pastoral Letter of H.B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah” (in Arabic). Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1992. <>.

5. “Fourth Pastoral Letter of H.B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1993. <>.

6. “The Significance of Jerusalem for Christians and of Christians for Jerusalem.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1996. <>.

7. “Jerusalem First and Foremost.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1996. <>.

8. “The Christian Significance of Jerusalem.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1996. <>.

9. “Will Christians soon disappear from the Holy Land?” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1996. <>.

10. “Christmas Statement by Jerusalem Patriarch Archbishop Michel Sabbah.” EWTN Global Catholic Network. 1996. <>.

11. “Easter Message 1997.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1997. <>.

12. “Fifth Pastoral Letter of H.B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1997. <>.

13. “Jerusalem: A Holy City and A Place for Living.” Al-Bushra:Arab AmericanRoman Catholic Church. 1997. <>.

14. “Statement by the Latin Patriarcate of Jerusalem Regarding the Allegation that Christians in Palestine are Being Subject to Persecution on the Hand of Their Muslim Nationals.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1997. <>.

15. “Christmas Message 1997.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1997. <>.

16. “Palm Sunday.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1998. <>.

17. “Easter Message 1998.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1998. <>.

18. “Questions and Answers on Justice and Peace in Our Holy Land.” SEDOS: Service of Documentation and Study on Global Mission. 1998. <>.

19. “Sixth Pastoral Letter of H.B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. September 15, 1998. <>.

20. “The Voice of the Pastor: Our Lady, Queen of Palestine.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 4, 2. October 25, 1998: 51-53.

21. “The Voice of the Pastor: Christmas Message 1998.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 4, 3. 1998: 139-140.

22. “Christmas Midnight Mass Homily.” Catholic World News. 1998. <>.

23. “The Voice of the Pastor: A Message of Hope to All.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 5, 1. April 1999: 3-5.

24. “Easter Message 1999.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1999. <>.

25. “The Voice of the Pastor: Let the Holy Spirit Fill You.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 5, 2. May 23, 1999: 61-63.

26. “Position of the Catholic Church.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1999. <>.

27. “Christmas Homily.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 1999. <>.

28. “Christmas Message from the Patriarch of Jerusalem.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 1999. <>.

29. “First Reading of the Papal Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2000. <>.

30. “The Voice of the Pastor: What does being the Jerusalem Church mean for us?” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 7, 2. February 02, 2000: 75-77.

31. “Christians in the Holy Land.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2000. <>.

32. “Easter Message.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2000. <>.

33. “Easter Message for the Great Jubilee Year 2000.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2000. <>.

34. “Easter Homily.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2000. <>.

35. “Letter from Patriarch Michel Sabbah about the Actual Situation.” 2000. The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. <>.

36. “The Voice of the Pastor: Only Justice will bring Peace.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 6, 1-4. October 2, 2000: 5-6.

37. “The Voice of the Pastor: Hearing a Word of God that is difficult to listen to, and difficult to live.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 6, 1-4. October 12, 2000: 7-10.

38. “Homily Feast of Our Lady Queen of Palestine.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2000. <>.

39. “Homily during the Rosary Prayer.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2000. <>.

40. “The Patriarch’s Appeal from the Holy Land.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2000. <>.

41. “Statement of H.B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah during Children Feast in Bethlehem”. Latin Patriarchate. 2000. <>.

42. “A Common Message to Pilgrims.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2000. <>.

43. “Time of the Advent.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2000. <>.

44. “The Voice of the Pastor: Message for Christmas of the Year 2000.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 6, 5-6. December 2000: 85-86.

45. “The Voice of the Pastor: Let us meditate on and live out the message of the mystery of the Incarnation.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 6, 5-6. December 2000: 87-89.

46. “Christianity and Jerusalem.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2001. <>.

47. “Letter for Lent.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2001. <>.

48. “Palm Sunday.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2001. <>.

49. “Patriarch Michel Sabbah addresses over 6,000 Catholics at the Diocese of Sioux Falls.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

50. “The Voice of the Pastor: How can we be, today, witnesses of the Resurrection.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 7, 2. April 15, 2001: 68-70.

51. “Speech given at Lunch Meeting of UNESCO.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

52. “Address to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 2001. <>.

53. “HCEF Banquet Speech.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

54. “A Message of Solidarity and Condolences from His Beatitude Patriarch Sabbah to the American People.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

55. “Homily of the Mass for Peace and Remembrance of the Victims in the USA by Patriarch Sabbah.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

56. “Letter of H.B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah to the Faithful.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

57. “Letter to President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

58. “Message for the Advent 2001.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

59. “The Voice of the Pastor: The Situation of the Christian in the Holy Land after September 28, 2000.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 7, 6. December 13, 2001: 332-339.

60. “The Voice of the Pastor: Peace for the Inhabitants of the Holy Land.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 7, 6. December 28, 2001: 339-340.

61. “Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Christmas Message 2001.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. <>.

62. “Christmas Homily 2001.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2001. < >.

63. “The Voice of the Pastor: Extracts from the discourse of Patriarch Michel Sabbah at the end of the December 31 Bethlehem-Jerusalem March for Peace and Justice.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 7, 6. December 2001: 314.

64. “Easter Message 2002.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2002. <>.

65. “Perspectives on the Conflict Between Palestinians and Israelis.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2002. <>.

66. “Pentecost Sunday Message from Patriarch Michel Sabbah.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2002. <>.

67. “The Voice of the Pastor: Each of us remains responsible for good and evil in our world.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 8, 4-5. September 11, 2002: 151-152.

68. “Remarks of His Beatitude the Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah to the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2002. <>.

69. “The Voice of the Pastor: Are we able to accept the truth of what is happening in our Holy Land?” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 8, 4-5. October 24, 2002: 179-180.

70. “Christmas Message 2002.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2002. <>.

71. “The Voice of the Pastor: How to live the commandment of love in these difficult times.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 8, 6. December 2002: 222-225.

72. “Religions for Peace in the Middle East.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2003. <>.

73. “Easter Message by H.B. Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2003. <>.

74. “Perspectives of Future Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2003. <>.

75. “The Voice of the Pastor: May God help us to live our vocation as witnesses to Jesus in his land.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 4, 3-4. June 8, 2003: 124-126.

76. “No peace without Justice—No Justice without Forgiveness.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2003. <>.

77. “Remarks on the theology of the Holy Land today: 9/12/03.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2003. <>.

78. “H.B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah’s Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Turath Center.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2003. <>.

79. “The Voice of the Pastor: Christians and Muslims, we must create a new Palestinian Society.” Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 9, 5. October 2, 2003: 187-190.

80. “Reflections on the Presence of the Church in the Holy Land.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2003. <>.

81. “Christmas Message by H.B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2003. <>.

82. “Seventh Pastoral Letter of H.B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah” (in Arabic). Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2003.>.

83. “The Voice of the Pastor: We must pray for the unity of Christians, especially here in Jerusalem. Jerusalem: Diocesan Bulletin of the Latin Patriarchate, Year 10, 1. January 30, 2004: 5-7.

84. “Message for Lent 2004 from H.B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2004. <>.

85. “Easter Message 2004.” The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2004. <>.

86. “Pentecost Homily.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2004. <>.

87. “Christmas Message 2004.” Bethlehem Media Network. 2004. <>.

88. “Presentation of the 2005 Pax Christi Peace Award.” Pax Christi International. 2005. <>.

89. “Christmas Message 2005.” Bethlehem Media Network. 2005. <>.

90. “Palm Sunday 2006.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2006. <>.

91. “Easter Message 2006.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2006. <>.

92. “Christians in the Holy Land: Who are we today?” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2006. <>.

93. Speech at the Christian-Muslim Symposium organized by Al-Liqa’ Center in Bethlehem to look into the July/August 2006 Israeli War in Gaza and Lebanon, August 5, 2006. Al-Liqa’ Journal, Vol. 27. December 2006: 109-112.

94. “Religions for Peace.” World Conference of Religions for Peace. 2006. <>.

95. “Christmas Message 2006.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2006. <>.

96. “Lenten Message from Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.” Global Ministries. 2007. <>.
97. 20. Eighth Pastoral Letter of H.B. Michel Sabbah. March 1, 2008. <>.

II. Edited Books on Patriarch Michel Sabbah

1. D’Orfeuil, Yves Teyssier, Ed. Michel Sabbah: Paix sur Jérusalem, propos d’un évêque palestinien (France: Desclée De Brouwer, 2002).

2. 1. D’Orfeuil, Yves Teyssier, Ed. Mgr. Michel Sabbah: Lire et Vivre la Bible au Pays de la Bible (France: Desclée De Brouwer, 2003).

3. Pastoral Letters of H. B. Msgr. Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. On the Occasion of the Golden Jubilee of his Ordination to the Priesthood (Jerusalem/Beit Jala: Latin Patriarchate Printing Press, 2005).

4. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness. Translated by Father Ibrahim Shomali from the Italian work titled, Voce Che Grida Dal Deserto. (Jerusalem/Beit Jala: Latin Patriarchate Printing Press, 2008).

5. Patriarch Michel Sabbah. Faithful Witness: On Reconciliation and Peace in the Holy Land. Drew Christiansen and Saliba Sarsar, eds. A publication of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 2008).

III. Articles Written about Patriarch Michel Sabbah

1. “First Arab Named as Jerusalem Patriarch.” America. January 23, 1988: 54.

2. “A Conversation with the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.” America. October 15, 1988: 245-247.

3. “Muslims and Christians Together for Jerusalem’s Sake.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1996. <>.

4. “Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem blames Prime Minister Netanyahu.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1998. <>.

5. “Latin Patriarch says Palestinian state is a peace solution.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1998. <>.

6. “Patriarch Sabbah to Catholics: Strange Silence on Jerusalem.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1998. <>.

7. “Latin Patriarch backs moderates in Israeli election campaign.” AL-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 1999. <>.

8. “Patriarch Patient as He Prays for Peace.” The Holy Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 1999. <>.

9. “A Voice Crying in the Holy Land.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 2000. <>.

10. “The Patriarchs of Jerusalem Urge Peace.” The Holy Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2000. <>.

11. “Catholic Patriarch does not regard Camp David as total failure.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 2000. <>.
12. “Pax Christi International Appeal to Religious Leaders in the Middle East.” The Holy Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2000. <>.
13. “Latin Patriarch tells Israeli soldiers to stop attacking Christian village.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 2000. <>.
14. “A meeting between His Beatitude, Michel Sabbah and the mature students of the Ecce Homo School for Biblical Studies.” Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 2001. <>.
15. “Jerusalem Patriarch calls for total Israeli withdrawal.” Al-Bushra: Arab American Roman Catholic Church. 2001. <>.
16. “Latin Patriarch leads 2,000 in protest at Bethlehem checkpoint.” The Holy Christian Ecumenical Foundation. 2002. <>.
17. Donovan, Gill. “Patriarch Sabbah calls for free Palestine.” National Catholic Reporter. January 11, 2002. <>.
18. Horton, Renee Schafer. “The Middle East Peace Process: Patriarch Michel Sabbah’s View.” American Catholic. Feb. 2002. <>.
19. “Intifada a Catastrophe for Holy Land, Says Latin Patriarch.” The Holy Christian Ecumenical Foundation. October 1, 2002. <>.
20. “Senior Cleric Bemoans Flight of Palestinian Christians.” The Holy Christian Ecumenical Foundation. October 25, 2002. <>.
21. Borghese, Alessandra. “A Christian in the Holy Land.” Newsweek. December 23, 2002. <>.
22. Christiansen, Drew. “Living stones of the Holy Land.” America. December 23, 2002. <>.
23. “Jerusalem patriarch reminds Christians of their responsibilities.” Jerusalemites. <>.
24. Morrison, Patricia Lynn. “Jerusalem patriarch protests Israel’s “hindrance” of Catholic clergy, seminarians. The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. <>.
25. “Al-Ahram: Patriarch Sabbah demands Israel to withdraw from the Arab lands occupied since 1967.” Arabic News. January 1, 2004. <>.
26. “Complex Mideast Demands Solid Formation for Christians, Says Patriarch.” Innovative Media, Inc. July 28, 2004. Rome. <>.
27. Al-Liqa’ Editorial: “Patriarch Michel Sabbah: The Golden Heritage.” Al-Liqa’ Journal, Special Issue on the Golden Jubilee of H. B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Vol. 25. December 2005: 7-11.
28. Bishop Munib Younan. “The Ecumenical Dimension of Patriarch Michel Sabbah.” Al-Liqa’ Journal, Special Issue on the Golden Jubilee of H. B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Vol. 25. December 2005: 12-20.
29. Geries S. Khoury. “Patriarch Sabbah and Local Theology.” Al-Liqa’ Journal, Special Issue on the Golden Jubilee of H. B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Vol. 25. December 2005: 21-29.
30. Father Rafiq Khoury. “Man in the First Pastoral Message of Patriarch Michel Sabbah.” Al-Liqa’ Journal, Special Issue on the Golden Jubilee of H. B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Vol. 25. December 2005: 32-41.
31. Bernard Sabella. “In the Splendor of Peace: Patriarch Michel Sabbah and the Palestinian Cause.” Al-Liqa’ Journal, Special Issue on the Golden Jubilee of H. B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Vol. 25. December 2005: 42-48.
32. Mousa Darwish. “Patriarch Sabbah and Christian-Muslim Dialogue.” Al-Liqa’ Journal, Special Issue on the Golden Jubilee of H. B. Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Vol. 25. December 2005: 49-53.
33. “Patriarch tells Bethlehem mass: Holy Land thirsts for peace.” Agence France-Presse. December 25, 2005. <>
34. France-Presse, Agence. “Patriarch Calls for Peace and Fall of Israeli Barrier.” New York Times. December 25, 2005. <>.
35. “Patriarch Sabbah says spirit of Easter invites all to ‘new vision.’” The Georgia Bulletin. September 4, 2007. <>.
36. “Patriarch Protests Looming Separation Wall.” America. January 2, 2006. Vol. 194 Issue 1, p6-6, 1/3p, 1c.
37. “Israelis, Palestinians Must Build Life, Not Death.” America. January 16, 2006. Vol. 194, Issue 2, p6-7, 2p.
38. “Church Leaders Protest, Seek Calm, Forgiveness.” America. March 20, 2006. Vol. 194, Issue 10, p7-7. 3/5p, 1c.
39. “Latin patriarch of Jerusalem: Pray and fast for peace.” Asia News: Jerusalem. August 3, 2006. <>.
40. Michael Sabbah, Swerios Malki Mourad, Riah Abu El-Assal, Munib Younan. “We Stand For Justice: We Can Do No Other.” Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal. Edinburgh University Press. November, 2006. Vol.5, Issue 2, p211-213, 3p.
41. “Holy Land Christmas Brings Joy Despite Conflict and Death.” America. January 15, 2007. Vol. 196, Issue 2, p7-7, 2/5p, 1c.
42. “Be leaven to ‘true resistance’ to end occupation’s evil, Holy Land patriarch calls Catholics.” Catholic Online. February 22, 2007. <>.
43. “Pax Christi: Aiding Peace?” NGO Monitor. April 12, 2007. <>.
44. Rose Marie Berger, Jonathan Mendez. “Pax Christs “Return to Roots.’ Sojourners Magazine. September/October 2007. Vol. 36, Issue 9, p11-11,1/4p.
45. “Patriarch Sabbah says spirit of Easter invites all to ‘new vision.’” The Georgia Bulletin. September 4, 2007. <>.
46. “Holy Land Religious Leaders Unite for Peace.” America. November 26, 2007 Vol. 197, Issue 17, p7-7, 2/5p, 1c.
47. Meryl Yourish. “Catholic Patriarch: No Jewish state, you bigots.” December 20, 2007 <>.
48. Retiring Jerusalem Prelate Speaks on Mideast Conflict. “The Main Obstacle to Peace is the Fear of Peace.” Innovative Media, Inc. April 1, 2008. Rome. <>.

*Saliba Sarsar is Secretary of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation and Professor of Political Science and Associate Vice President for Academic Program Initiatives at Monmouth University. He is grateful to Monmouth University students Danielle Diodato, Alexander Keller, and Maria Testa for their collaborative efforts toward the production of this select bibliography.

Contact Information:
Saliba Sarsar
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
732 571 4474