HCEF Church Outreach Activites for May, June 2000
1. On May 2nd Sir Duane Burchick,KHS, Child Sponsorship Program Coordinator was invited to present the Child Sponsorship Program to the Knights of Columbus at the Arlington Cathedral.
2. On May 7th Mr. James Vitarello, HCEF Advisory Board Member was invited to speak at Dumbarton United Methodist Church.
3. On May 10th Sir Rateb Rabie, HCEF President; and Mr. Robert Younes, M.D., Conference Chairman were invited to speak at St.. Thomas Moore Cathedral in Arlington.
4. On May 14th Mr. Donald Kruse, HCEF Board Member was invited to speak at Christ of Memorial Presbyterian Church in Columbia.
5. On May 21st Sir Rateb Rabie,KHS, HCEF President was invited to speak to the SOAR Group at the National Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC.
6. Please join Jim Vitarello who was invited to speak on May 21st at 9:30 AM at Grace Episcopal Church – 1041 Wisconsin Ave.
For more information please call Jim Vitarello at (202) 234-5817
7. Please join Jim Vitarello who was invited to speak on June 25th at 10:00 AM at Metropolitan Methodist Church – 3401 Nebraska Ave.
For more information please call Jim Vitarello (202) 234-5817.