"He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' " Luke 24: 6-7
Please carry the cross with us and support Palestinian Christians by donating online HERE
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As we reflect on the miracle of Christ's resurrection this year, let us not forget that this event is not frozen in time, but affects us all today. It is cause for rejoicing as we proclaim, "He has risen!" And it is a reminder of God's infinite love for His creation, of his investment in us as His people!
This Easter season, I ask you to honor that love and remember the Christians of the Holy Land. Palestinian Christians, the "Living Stones," can trace their ancestors back to the first followers of Christ – those who lived so close in time to Christ's resurrection and have preserved His good news for over two thousand years so that you and I could also know God's love.
Christ suffered greatly at the hands of those around Him, and so too do the Christians of the Holy Land. Last summer the world witnessed vast destruction in Gaza where over 2,000 lives were lost, and survivors continue to struggle with the aftermath: life-altering injuries, lost homes, ruined churches, leveled hospitals, and school buildings reduced to dust. Palestinian Christians in the West Bank are forced to deal with the daily reality of occupation such as checkpoints and the segregation wall that extends for hundreds of miles cutting the Holy Land in two. The occupation suffocates our Christian brothers and sisters, a group that has shrunk to less than 1.2% of the area's total population. This number continues to shrink as Christians are forced to flee from deplorable conditions. In Bethlehem, a city that proudly celebrates its Christian heritage as the birthplace of Christ, the unemployment rate has risen over 20%, and families must fight hard against the pains of poverty with restricted water access and dilapidated homes.
Yet, although Christ suffered, He could not be defeated. The story of Christ has taught us that good always prevails, and that we can always trust in God to provide everlasting grace and love. The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation was founded in recognition of this promise, which informs our goal to replace despair with HOPE, fear with HUMAN SECURITY, and humiliation with DIGNITY.
As we reflect upon the essence of our faith we ask YOU to stand with us bearing the cross in support of our brothers and sisters. They need our strength! With Your continued support we can keep investing in their future and you can rest assured that your generous donation helps to spread the message of peace to the ever-greater community – the Body of Christ. Our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land rely on your prayers, your kindness and your generosity. We hope, as they hope, that you will continue to invest in them to relieve in their suffering. Please help us honor the Holy Land Christians by supporting HCEF.
HCEF is proud to conduct over 20 programs that serve God's people in God's land, which include but are not limited to:
Housing Rehabilitation Program (HRP)
Since 2004, HCEF has rehabilitated over 426 homes, created 769 job opportunities, and changed the lives of over 3,398 family members throughout Palestine. We have now expanded the program to include well rehabilitation, addressing the very serious water shortage that plagues Palestinians in the Holy Land. Restore homes to healthy, life-giving conditions and provide water to those in need by donating to HRP! Learn more HERE!
Before | After |
Children's Education Fund (CEF)
The Children's Education Fund (CEF) serves the neediest Christian families in the Holy Land by providing financial aid for children who wish to attend Christian schools. Donations to CEF cover either the full tuition costs of a child or partial tuition of several children according to their financial need. CEF ensures that no child will be barred from obtaining an education due to poverty. Give a child of the Holy Land the profound gift of education by donating today! And learn more HERE!
Holy Land Gifts Program (HLGP)
Handicraft production, including olive wood and mother of pearl religious items, has evolved as a cultural tradition of the Palestinian Christians over many centuries. Many Holy Land Christians, about 140 families in the Bethlehem area alone, rely upon income generated from this art form. Yet, due to economic hardship, most of these families are struggling to persevere, and this long held Christian tradition is under threat of disappearing. Help preserve the rich Christian culture of the Holy Land and give strength to families who depend on handicrafts for their livelihood. Donate today! And learn more on our SITE!
"Living Stones" Pilgrimages (LSP)
HCEF has the great privilege of bringing Christians to the Holy Land and connecting with the "Living Stones," local Palestinian Christians whose ancestors were among the first followers of Christ. Donate and empower fellow Christians to experience their faith where it began, in the Holy Land! Learn more HERE!
Birzeit Senior Citizen Center (BSCC)
HCEF's Birzeit Senior Citizen Center provides social, recreational, educational, and healthcare services to over 60 elderly people of the Holy Land. Donate to honor the elderly and provide them with a dignified place to be among their peers. Learn more HERE!
The Christians of the Holy Land depend on your support. Please take this opportunity to care for those in desperate need. We ask for both spiritual and material support, for faith expressed in prayer and physical action in a donation that is guaranteed to make a difference in the lives of Palestinians.
Please take a moment to carry the cross with us and support Palestinian Christians by donating online HERE
The Holy Land has borne witness to the resurrection of Christ, no doubt the greatest. Our hope and prayer is that you will help us usher in another resurrection, the symbolic resurrection of a people, the Holy Land Christians!
We trust in your faithful support as we trust in God's promises for our lives.
Thank you and God bless,
Rateb Y. Rabie, KCHS
HCEF President/CEO